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Which group would you give the ability to predict and change the future with 99.98% accuracy?


>Communist Party of China


The Communist Party of China already has this ability, it's called dialectics.


>dialectics so advanced its indistinguishable from magic


You don't need to predict the future when you are the one creating it and China is already doing that right now.


>Pick 2 options; Shady glowfags that have murdered, raped, and destroyed the lives of hundreds of millions of people through their fucked up agenda OR a Government that, while not perfect, has done a temendous amount on improving the welfare of proletarians and progress humanity
WOW, such a hard choice!


I would give it to the CIA so that dialectics go 100x in motion.


>a Government that, while not perfect, has done a temendous amount on improving the welfare of proletarians and progress humanity
based nordic countries ?


You must be joking if you want to compare china tô the nordic countries


why not?


gay and white


as opposed to gay and asian?


What does accuracy even mean in this context?
Makes more sense to measure in terms of how far ahead you can see and how much time/energy it takes to check alternate timelines.


Thinking about boys i see…

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