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File: 1713905416609.jpg (11.97 KB, 211x300, 1574953586715.jpg)


How do we defeat angry white reactionaries?


we need the U.S. govt to release a new COVID


Have sex with their white wives while wielding a BBC


File: 1713921441364.jpg (110.04 KB, 1000x1000, 1703758901898.jpg)

You know how, but I ain't doin it. Never was a good shot.


Ah the boomer remover virus. Also nice satanic quads.



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We could just let them seethe on the internet and do our own thing.


paint them black


By letting them going extinct on their own from constant seething at white women.
>Do nothing


Hes actually kinda cute. Make another one but with him smiling


Yeah no.

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