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>says transwomen are men in womenface
>says all penetrative sex is oppressive
>says that men are the enemy
>says that heterosexual women are sex traitors
>insists that trve feminism is women living together in Lesbian communes but not ever ever EVER penetrating each other, with fingers or anything else
>basically reinvents nun convents but calls it woke

most sane british woman


this is your brain on tea


<insists that trve feminism is women living together in Lesbian communes but not ever ever EVER penetrating each other, with fingers or anything else
political "lesbianism" is hilarious


>trans women are men in women face
>but political lesbians are not straight women in lesbian face
It's gotta suck to be an actual lesbian rolling the dice on whether the lesbian she's dating is also an actual lesbian or one of these "political lesbians" who is just performing lesbianism because politics.


I mean TBH I feel like 90% of 'political lesbians' are just people who didn't realise they were lesbian until feminism told them it was ok


Men and women are class enemies ?


Well first of all the number of straight women who got burned by men is bigger than the actual lesbians. Second, if you actually want to be a lesbian (or any sexuality) you don't need elaborate theory to convince yourself to have that sexuality…


Maybe since the advent of agriculture, but it'd be a non antagonistic contradiction once class systems have been eliminated.


Laughably naive. Men don't risk dying from pregnancy and childbirth. As long as human beings can only be produced from women's wombs, women will remain the subjugated class.


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>trigger warning
<gets triggered at 0.5% of the population living their lives
um. lesbian commune status?


>glownonymous is a biological determinist now
With modern medical technology women could assert ruling power by virtue of being the gatekeepers of life. Abortion, birth control, and so on could, in the right context, allow women to make demands of men in order to be granted the privilege of having sex, let alone reproducing. The only reason something like that would happen though is if women collectively decided this was in their interests and organized to accomplish it.


women already do this by having sex with CHAD rather than me


>As long as human beings can only be produced from women's wombs

Probably will be possible to do it in a machine within 30-40 years


>As long as human beings can only be produced from women's wombs

Probably will be possible to do it in a machine within 30-40 years


in particular Sheila Jeffreys consciously decided to become a political lesbian at 28 in the late 70s after she was watching a comedy movie with her boyfriend and his friend and a male character reached up someone's skirt. Neither her boyfriend nor his friend reacted with adequate disgust or outrage (though by her account they didn't laugh either) therefore she decided she was finally done with men and began developing her incredibly weird radfem subcategory ideology.


Bazinga brained techbros always make silly promises. we're gonna be on mars in 10 years, amirite Elon?


IVF was once science fiction too


there's a difference between what has come to pass and what has not


>a frenzy of domestic violence
tbh I gotta wonder how much of the lesbian domestic violence rate is voluntary/political lesbians lashing out in frustration that they can't actually make themselves gay and/or replicating abuse dynamics they experienced in relationships with men


Northwestern European whites are the most easily indignant people.

Incels, femcels, etc.

They bathe the entire world in blood for not having a happy youth or for being rejected for their autistic endeavors.

Martin Luther, Adolf Hitler, Arthur Schoppenhaur, Sigmund Freud, etc.


>Sigmund Freud
more like Cigman Fraud am i right


I was raised by divorced women who realized they were lesbians in the 70s and divorced their husbands, got with each other in the 90s. They've stayed together for 30 years with no domestic violence incidents. I think this dynamic might be overstated.


deep bro


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>Martin Luther
>Arthur Schoppenhaur
Have you ever read either of their works, or know anything about them for that matter? Fucking pseudo-intellectuals are worse than simply stupid people. The Dunning-Krueger effect in motion is a hell of thing.


>le read
philosophy is, at best, completely useless to communism


>philosophy is, at best, completely useless to communism
<I Can't READ!
You're either an actual glowie, or genuinely retarded. Go back, chinlet




It's a minority of lesbians who experience it, but it's higher than the average. How much depends on the survey.


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unless youre one of those retards who thinks marx is a "philosopher" then no, im not wrong at all


wasting your time, and worse, the proletariat's time with philosophical drivel is harmful, yes


> im not wrong at all
Why do you think your opinion on whether you are wrong is of any relevance


Why is Alunya bullying poor Billi Mus


This uygha spittin


Imagine how damaged deep down must be someone that switched her sexuality not because she actually felt like it, but as some kind of deliberate "political act". I guess the amount of denial she has been engaging for decades has fucked her up really bad.


So people like this really are usually damaged deep down. I made friends with an unapologetic TERF once who didn't know I was trans, I was originally going to have a big "fuck youuu" reveal but after she told me she had been raped I abandoned the idea. The problem is that these people have understandable trauma but project it onto the whole world. That's actually the story of many reactionaries as well, and I think that's why TERFs and reactionaries get along so mysteriously well.


She had been raped specifically by another trans woman*


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>one of those retards who thinks marx is a "philosopher"
<Marx wasn't a philospher
Do you know what a philosopher is? Or why that is relevant to Marx? No, because you can't read, chinlet. Read a book.


unironically all of this is based except for the part about trans women. I want to live in a lesbian nun convent


Being a fucked up weirdo because you have trauma doesn't excuse it. There's lots of people who don't cope with their trauma that way, and it's reasonable to expect somebody to at least try not to cope with their trauma in a way that harms others.


it's fine to do that if you want to but it's not based to be prescriptivist about it. Women aren't betraying your cause if they want to get dicked down every now and then. It doesn't mean she has internalized misogyny and has been taught to love being r*ped or whatever either. Weird ideology.
>TERFs and reactionaries get along so mysteriously well.
they get along well because they're both reactionaries. But I agree with the rest of your analysis about trauma getting projected.


The irony being that the sentence is such a mess which would be easily solved by a basic philosophy education/reading.
It presupposes that Marx has to be a philosopher or a sociologist or "political theorist" and can't engage in all three.
Even the most basic empiricism tells you this is wrong.

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