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I heard that he believed that it was better to slow down the growth in literacy to prevent too much social progress. Is this true? I fucking love the idea, when every other right wing dictator is just some tard who wants to kill some minority, its refreshing to have a simple, sincere believer in it. But everything I can find says it isn't; his government celebrated that for the first time in Portuguese history over 50% of the population was literate in 1950, and they successfully ended illiteracy by his death. Which is to their credit a better thing, but still.


Who what where when? I'm guessing from your pic some cracker who died a long time ago no one cares about and you used to get wedgies in school.


Lmao I am so on the money this one. Confess op.


Erm he was portuguese and therefore brown


He is dead and rotting and no one cares.


"social progress" happens because of material forces, not more people being able to do algebra


he was an incel his whole life as well


>No we don't need to do math to figure out how many cars this bridge will hold up. Bridges are built by material forces not numbers you stupid idealist.



when did i say anything about building a bridge?


You can't have social progress without bridges getting built, and you can't have bridges getting built without people being able to do algebra.


so trve. brb im praying for the holy spirit to send a material force


a bridge is nice but it is not social progress
social progress comes before technological process, the bourgeoisie had to secure social and political victory first and then set the industrial revolution in motion so that modern engineering could come out of it. but many of those early bourgeoisie were mud farmers and shit


>social progress comes before technological process

Not necessarily


>the bourgeoisie had to secure social and political victory first
the industrial revolution was already underway in britain before the frrench revolution and france was tardy in industrialization throughout the 1800s and fell behind conservative aristocratic Prussia / Germany


while having multiple love affairs?


>social progress comes before technological process
This is literally the exact opposite of what Marx believed. Hell, it's the exact opposite of what you said yesterday >>526981
Does social progress happen because of material forces, or does material change only happen because of social progress?


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social progress creates technological process
technological process creates social progress
No contradiction


Christian communists keep vvinning!!!


>not being a promiscuous incel
You should be negating the negation, cuck


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Lusotropicalism is based.


>1st pic
Would be so based for Angola to establish a settler colony in Europe fr


With people like you I am not surprised the left is failing, and less people actually believe change can come from the left. You sound demented and right leaning imbecile.

>Finance/economy, media, teaching, lobbying/politics, etc.

It is all connected and what drive progress.


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> heard that he believed that it was better to slow down the growth in literacy to prevent too much social progress. Is this true?

Every reactionary since the Roman empire believes this.


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eastern euro moment


least retarded pole



South American Gusanos and Vendepatrias also believe that literacy campaigns such as those in Cuba and Nicaragua are communism.

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