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Post your favourite birds and let's talk about birds in general!


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crowned-pigeons are neat




basic pigeons are the funniest and cutest
there's one that has a nest in my balcony


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For me, it's red headed buzzards. They catch a lot of hate, but I think they're cool and they do the heavy lifting on road kill clean up. I like scavengers anyway, they're like predators but with more patience.


I like Gorriones aka house sparrows.
They're very beautiful and are usually found in large numbers. They are less afraid of humans as other birds and you can see them up close. They also have a very cute chirp, at least the ones I know.

That's my second favorite bird though.


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The golondrina común or barn swallow, another common bird worldwide, has such a beautiful shape when flying and their colors are very beautiful. They also dance in circles when they fly with their homies.

The ones I know are migratory. During spring, they nest all around my house and have a beautiful display of flight right in front of me. It's such a privilege. In general they're also friendly birds, they won't become aggressive if you are near them. Beautiful birds.


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I hope you will get to see the chicks! One year there was a (Eurasian) blackbird nest on the tree just outside my window that I could see well, but the nest failed and the birds just abandoned it. I couldn't see inside so I don't know if it was predated or if there was ever any eggs inside (they certainly seemed to roost on it thought), but I was so disappointed.


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eastern rosellas are pretty epic


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>>527348 based
>>527354 based
>>527355 based
>>527367 based
>>527371 based
>>527373 based
>>527375 based
>>527380 based
>>527392 based
>>527382 cringe


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Eyyy, a fellow Rosella fan!


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hell yea


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people think extinct megafauna are cool but extinct avian megafauna don't get that much love


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partially related but shoebills r epic too


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Unfortunately I've moved away from their present range and can no longer observe them but I was a big fan of the Black-billed Magpies of western NA. picrel.
Haven't been able to get close enough to positively identify it but I currently have what I assume are mourning doves, 2nd picrel, nesting on top of the pillars on my front porch. They've tried to do this for at least two years now but the ledge they're building on is too narrow to do anything. Last spring I was starting to get distressed by how much futile effort they were putting into it–literally weeks on end of piling up first a bit of mud then sticks only for it to tumble down to the ground–so I took the wooden base out of a box of mandarins and screwed it up there for them. This seemed to scare them off for the rest of that season but this spring they're back and in no time they've got their nest.


séx wit birb?


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idk if birds come prettier than this but unfortunately they are total cunts. In a similar vein, Canada Goose have an awful reputation and don't have the benefit of being nice on the eyes but dammit seeing them flying around in V formation is downright majestic


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They should sex each other, there's very few of them remaining.


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The geese flying overhead honking in the distance is always some nice ambience to let you know the seasons are changing.


This bird is your friend, he fights for freedom


I love the barn swallows that come up where I stay for the summer, just watching them catching insects mid flight is fucking sick. If I ever actually own and not rent def gonna try and get a martin house for them or some shit


People here knock their nests off because they don't want them to shit everywhere. Because of that and agricultural mismanagement, the local populations halved in the last two decades.


I like nuthatches, they have a very cute shape.


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*budge nudge*



Why does it do this? Is it fun for the bird?


probably. play behavior is documented in many species.


stuntin on you



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Is there a game to this? Or are you just supposed to choose some birds at random?


you're supposed to have at least some iota of imagination for how a chosen scenario would play out. fa/tg/uys do something called a cyoa jumpchain https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/92643480/


i don't appreciate birds


Not a single one?


i disrespect every bird i encounter


ur days are numbered


Very fine plumage here


how many days left?


sorry can't say


Under communism, we will replace mammalian human hair with feathery, vibrant plumage at a genetic level.


Wow, this is pretty cute and fun


Who did you recruit? Have you managed to defeat the Greben Empire?


Metal eating bird


cool and all but so much metal wasted to make such a fundamentally useless object.


That's just how a lathe works dude. The same thing is done if you make something from wood on a lathe. The scrap metal can be melted down afterward, and wood shavings can be repurposed for various things.


well I don't like it. also I'm sure 90% of the time the scrap metal is just thrown away


>also I'm sure 90% of the time the scrap metal is just thrown away
source: ur butt


nah them metal eating bird eats it


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Killdeer are the jazziest birds

Mourning doves have gotta be my favorite birds. My early childhood didn't consist of a lot of biodiversity idk how much that influenced it.


it doesn't seem economically viable to gather up random flecks of metal (bear in mind they might not even be the right kind) and send them in to someone to recycle.


As opposed to just letting them build up on the floor of the machine shop?


Why are they called killdeer?


>wikipedia: "It gets its name from its shrill, two-syllable call, which is often heard."


Well they probably just get swept up with the trash and thrown out.


I'm not hearing it. But I found this picture of their chicks. Cute!


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Unfortunately that's classified information


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It's okay, you can tell me.

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