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File: 1714197751639.jpg (35.51 KB, 680x659, shocked.jpg)


>join "troll" fbi.gov server
>it's full of your standard edgelords and edgy shit
>go along with the bit for a while
>eventually post one (1) picture of ralsei with a gigantic cock
>immediately get banned
<The WOKE MOB is sending PENIS to DESTROY western civilization BAN THIS fun
<also i NEED cartel beheadings to FEEL NORMAL again
why are """trolls""" like this
41 percent memes and calling everyone uygher is a-ok but the second there's penis suddenly this is a serious matter


that happened


File: 1714198305411.jpg (76.87 KB, 1195x654, GLatae_bUAA__pU.jpg)

it did happen


honestly it's on you for joining a troll server to begin with but yeah these people are sick


trolling is a lost art


Trolling is most of all a garbage pastime. I only troll when I see the red mist or I really can't explain something except coming up with a load of stupid shit.


Touch asphalt


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File: 1714201135502-1.mp4 (39.82 MB, 2560x1440, parry_this.mp4)

>be me
>play chvd infested games like chivalry/mordhau because it's genuinely fun
>hate the community
>always turn the chat off so I don't have to see that filth
>kill people who are standing still because I can tell they're typing some reactionary garbage in chat even though I have chat turned off
feels good man


nazis should be permabanned on steam



If they ban nazis, who will buy strategy games?


I play them…



Then get fucked nazi


File: 1714216914494.jpg (23.19 KB, 288x499, Kornheiser_Why.JPG)

>>join "troll" fbi.gov server


You flew too close to the sun. You gave up the game too much. They want to be perverts but maintain the necessary distance for maximum pleasure. This is the story of people like Roger Stone & Jerry Falwell Jr. as a matter of fact.


Because thinktanks coopted the aethetics of internet troll culture–since the idea with thinktanks is to say stupid stuff in a way that gets people to accept a framing weather they agree or not, so using the cover of someone being disingenous only because it's funny is effective–and people that spend their every waking moment in glownests like that fbi.gov guild end up being cookie cutter abrahamic free-market free-speech-as-an-abstract-concept* conservatives, but with some quirk like using doges/pepes as avatars and refering to white cis ppl as fren, (sic) or using soyjaks as a brand / seo maximizer in youtube thumbnails.

*as opposed to free speech as a dialectic, see vidrel


>chvd fbi.gov
>porn addict leftist
are you sure you didn't make this video yourself? lol either way its fucking stupid, imagine being a communist defending the corporate and explicitly neoliberal figures over some edgelord who didnt do shit.


Nah I saw this scrolling the federated timeline.
>defending the corporate and explicitly neoliberal figures
No such examples present in vidrel. Also wow you got this pissed over such a maundane example.
>some edgelord who didnt do shit.
Your precious dindu had a meltdown and has been in non-stop damage control to this date. In fact the only relevant neolib figure is said dindu.


teenage boys be like that

edgelords love to fuck around and hate to find out, as though the risk of finding out isn't the only thing that makes edgelords potentially interesting.

such whiners go to the wall first. hopefully the irony of such an edgy punishment will amuse them before the lights go out forever.


>open video and skip to random timestamp
>thesis - antithesis - synthesis
>close video


>such whiners go to the wall first.
and you're the one whining most about them, projection.


Þ,AÞ,SÞ isn't a hegel flavored dialectic, but still a dialectic. Also I'm not even sure why that pic was used since it seem more like a analog toggle than a Þ,AÞ,SÞ situation.


based, this should be done more


most of those teenage boys are usually vicenariams and tricenarians.


trolling is a toxic art.
Im tired of its glorifcatiom.

why did you go on a troll server?
But then again, its no different from imageboards.


I miss when trolls knew they were doing a bad thing and embraced it. They were doing it for the funny and didn't care what happened beyond that. When you start trying to create moral justifications for that sort of thing, you're a coward at best, and outright evil at worst.

>>porn addict leftist


>The path to trolling others start by trolling yourself. If you only know how to anger others and not yourself then you are not trolling, but carrying water for an external agenda. Indeed, one must say that the trolling of the self is much greater than the trolling of the Other
-Mao Zedong circa 1971


when the new sws came out, i friggin changed my tf2 name to ben solo is han's son and kills his father

ah, it was so fun, killing or getting killed since it spoiled everyone

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