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File: 1714459620470.png (1.54 MB, 3188x2480, 1713695594096.png)


Post more pictures of this chick. 420-chan or whatever the fuck her name is.


Shit, I had some but I lost them



File: 1714495948354.png (127.23 KB, 246x205, ClipboardImage.png)

stoner futa cock



someone draw her shotgunning a huge bong rip into Alunya's mouth while grace looks on jealous (at the kissing) and indignant (at the drug use)


Please don't draw her sm*king, it is gross.


being against smoking is hitlerite behavior


File: 1714600934399.png (460.35 KB, 867x971, ClipboardImage.png)

it's a reference to this


Hitler was a drug addict though


File: 1714601026882.mp4 (8.3 MB, 880x720, 3rd reich blitzed.mp4)

he was addicted to meth, not Sweet Mary Jane


didnt stop nazis blasting any smokers as d*generates tho


nazis honestly didn't care about cigarettes. German soldiers got cigarette rations. It was homosexuality, communism, jewish ethnic background, slavic ethnic background, anarchism, criminality, disability, neurodivergence etc. that they treated as "fun". tobacco usage wasn't that tabboo in the third reich. I don't know what their marijuana policy was, or if they even had one, since cannabis usage wasn't that common in germany yet.


always forget about that wordfilter


>The German movement was the most powerful anti-smoking movement in the world during the 1930s and early 1940s.


huh. you learn more every day. whoops. I didn't know about that. Still, the wehrmacht got cigarette rations, so they clearly didn't care that much


File: 1714733821370.png (43.15 KB, 794x1123, tcctan.png)

I drew this a long time ago






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