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"No chin, no right to speak."
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this savage non human have lived in europe, he is known to be extremely low autism score and very ape-like. despite what many scientist say about their extinction, the neanderthal was not extinct, they were raped by superior homo-sapiens, unfortunately the homo-sapiens made a big mistake by interbreeding with these savage barbarians when they invaded.

What are your thoughts about this creature?


Literally me fr


Neanderthals were regarded as similarly intelligent, humanoid species died out mostly because of climate change and being outcompeted by humans for food, and there is no evidence of widespread rape. But given that female Neanderthals gave infertile offspring when mating with a male human it would have to be the other way around for their mix breed lineage to continue.


That's not how Haldane's rule works. It applies regardless of the parent and only affects the offspring. For a Neanderthal-Sapien hybrid, a male would've always been infertile.
If what you're saying is true, then we by now should've found some sort of Neanderthal Y-DNA haplogroup in living humans rather than just autosomal admixture, but we haven't.


Neanderthals had like 10% greater brain size and were known to produce art and bury their dead. There's no evidence they were dumber than homo sapiens.


Has anyone noticed how reactionaries have turned around on neanderthals and now are claiming that neanderthal dna is the reason why yt people are “smart” and going “actually being partially neanderthal makes you better then a homo erectus!!” Literally calling themselves non human because they can’t accept the possibility of being the same species as black! lmao


Yakubian fabrication


Neanderthals going extinct is all the proof you need that the typical fantasy setting where different humanoids live side by side is not plausible, unless it's literally like early Warcraft where the orcs got teleported from their home world or some shit
Carbon-based lifeforms are fundamentally incapable of making peace with each other, at best you get pets


>Carbon-based lifeforms are fundamentally incapable of making peace with each other
>What is symbiotic relationships?


>>What is symbiotic relationships?
A pet and its owner.


Imagining myself cuddling with a hulking neanderthal gf makes me very homo erectus.


No it isn't.


That is exactly what it is.


Do you think that silicon-based life would be any different or something

There's no evidence of widespread warfare between Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens. They most likely became extinct because of inbreeding and unfavourable climatic changes. Another sucker for the end of the ice age.


I fucked up, I meant sapiens not erectus.




before and after mewing


look at the chin, no wonder that thing couldn't reproduce


File: 1714592641387.png (398.47 KB, 1222x521, ClipboardImage.png)


I want to have sex with it.


They were super muscular which means they were probably superhumanly tight.


Akshually Neanderthals had reddish-to-brown hair and brown eyes. Both blond hair and blue eyes were later Sapien traits.
Their skintone also most likely resembled that of Eskimos and modern polar populations. "White" skin is only good for cloudy north European climate which didn't exist there at the time.


It is possible that Homo sapiens were just more attractive. We actually may have mogged neanderthals so hard they stopped existing. One of the current hypotheses is that they were absorbed into our population because they kept breeding with us.


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They became extinct because they were outcompeted by homo sapiens in the same niche. Simple as.


There's no evidence of a Neanderthal genocide

They went extinct because their population were smaller than Sapiens due to intermixing and their recessive genes their offspring just became Sapiens

Non-Africans carry 10% of Neanderthal genes usually, that's a lot



More like 1-4%


that op pic looks kinda cute

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