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can't tell what the fuck his politics are anymore
103 posts and 35 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


your point was to spread nazi ideology


>Many Jewish people make the same claims
>cites ADL
do you think zionists represent the jewish community?


>do you think zionists represent the jewish community?
They represent the majority of them according to polling.



plenty of rwers are pro-Palestine, that whole lot of andrew tate and shit. the funniest thing is when you look into Palestine interviews they point at Israel and label them as leftists lmao


and do you think the specific ADL organization accurately represent jews?
that anything they say is automatically true? or might they have an alternate motivation to present themselves as more influential than they are?


<proof that Jews control the world
>Whether they do or don't is not the point.
>Many Jewish people make the same claims about their overpowered influence with impunity.


Don't you have black dick to fantasize about


>things normal people say


Except not because a lot of people have left the ADL because of Greenblatt's shit.


The white supremacist nation of Israel, which imported millions of Middle Eastern and Asian Jews who are now the majority and promoted a policy of race mixing between these groups, classic white supremacy
like I'm anti-Zionist, but Israel is a very unique case that cannot be classified by conventional means


>wtf is this even a reference to lol


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>oh neat a talented leftist artist entering the scene
>why is he drawing jews like that?
>it's nazi propaganda


But Sarumon?…


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I'd really like this guy to actually lay out his reasoning for why the bottom pic is an accurate representation of WW2. Even though I know it would just be a regurgitation of David Irving.


actually the americans didn't defeat the nazis, the soviets did


Yes true but obviously that's not his issue with the story lol


Also I think he missed a trick by not having Germania's skirt hiked up suggestively and the Jew buttoning his pants, that's just me though


I literally don't know what the heck is bottom pic supposed to mean or represent


>I literally don't know what the heck is bottom pic supposed to mean or represent
>bottom pic
Do phone posters really?


All of that stuff was already posted: >>537963


Basically David Irving (and some other people probably) has a whole series of books and 'documentaries' where he elucidates why actually the Allies were the ones that started WW2 at the behest of (Jewish) bankers and financiers and actually Hitler loved Jews but they just kept false flagging him and making him look like an antisemite. And also the holocaust isn't real or at least is highly exaggerated.


I mean the 5th pic
oh lol, so basically these pics are goebbels level of propaganda except no one falls for it


Well some people do fall for it but definitely much less than at the time, still enough to be dangerous though.


yep still dangerous, except for communists


no seriously what's with the albania flag. what the fuck


It's supposed to be the Prussian eagle lol


where did the trope about vikangs carrying horns on their helmets come from?


Some Wagner opera


he thinks dylan mulvaney looks like christopher lee, that's it, it's just transphobic noticing


I wish all fascists a very stop appropriating my nation's history for your reactionary bullshit


I see, I literally can't see any similarities but thank you for explaining. The only thing I could possibly think is that the Saruman guy is gay but that's also not related


It's not complicated, Saruman is evil and tricking people he thinks Dylan is evil and tricking people


There's an old Foreign Policy article that is about antisemitism in Russia and there's an interview with an anarchist in it. He said something to the effect of "if you ask me what the problem is, you'd call me a leftist. If you asked me who the problem is, you'd call me a fascist." Or something to that effect.


If he actually thinks the answer to 'who is the problem' is 'Jews' then yes he's a fascist.


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>giant transphobia
>draws trans women having fun and accepting them


*cis women


i always thought they were a white woman, so a little shocked it's a Japanese guy. male rad fems are weird as shit


I don't know why people are so surprised the TERFs turned out the way they did. Anybody that looked at these people knew from the outset that they would become rightoids. When you lean into biological essentialism as hard as they do, it never ends well.


<one person proves a trend
Shitty lazy argument. Even worse than the "trot-to-neocon pipeline" (at least that one comes with three or four examples).


>Political minority emerges and begins advocating for their rights
>This minority disturbs you, you make up a bunch of baseless rumors about them
>People don't listen to you, and broadly move towards acceptance and allyship
>Impossible! These people are freaks! How could anyone ally with them?
>(((Someone))) must be behind it…

This is the way of all reactionaries. It's been proven time and again.


🙄How many TERFs are like Ishida? Come the fuck on.


What was he even trying to say with the comic on the right, is it just "these teenagers are acting correctly"
I'm trying to find a reading of it that's ironic but I can't


yes the message is they successfully identified the fed


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global politics are just really weird right now


Milei will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in this decade on latin america. Hopefully the ancaps get quiet down for a little while after this absolute disaster that happened in argentina.

Socialist media should just spam argentina stats today everywhere to anihalate the ancap world in the internet. Make them feel pathetic.


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Gotta ride em vibes until ya die

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