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Did you have an alt right/nazi phase? Explain it.

I myself was never a nazi or alt right, but i was heavily into goobergate when it was a thing


i am still a nazi


No I was never retarded


No but I was raised in a psycho conservative family and I tried to actually understand their beliefs, but it was too stupid and empty of any real joy or love. All that shit was pretty ridiculous to me from as young as I can remember, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt for years - "I'm just a kid, they probably understand things I don't." (they did not)


>Did you have an alt right/nazi phase? Explain it.
I'm old enough to not have my formative years spent on /pol/.
>I myself was never a nazi or alt right, but i was heavily into goobergate when it was a thing
Somewhat similar. I used to watch guys like TheQuartering. Then I realized he's a total boomer who doesn't know what he's talking about. Still don't like idpol but I know better than to watch these right-wing circlejerkers.


Close, I had an anarchist phase. I even read Bakunin and all that.


Yes, anon, very funny.


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Gamergate got me subbed to YouTubers that would hammer neolib shit into my then averse to reading late elementary to early middleschool brain. Those YouTubers started talking nazi shit using memespeak and it took getting worn out on 24/7 news cycle to take a break from it to focus on highschool, come back and realize that shit was psyop content farms, and decide to nuke all news / commentary shit from my feed and take a break from YouTube in general as I went into my 2nd /tech/ paranoid phase, which got me leaning left due to some /leftypol/ people on /cyber/.

Then figuring out I was trans mellowed me out some, so I just started over on social media and followed a bunch of furry debatebro twitter leftists and artists, which meant I got to see the futility of online debate though banging my head against the wall for a while. Eventually I narrowed it down to just artists, mellowed out even more, made some friends, and have been careful not to be a news or debate addict since.

Then I rememebered /cuteboys/ from 8chan looking for a particular video I remembered and one of those how to achieve trap aethetics infographics (the pink one with the girl in knight armor), found out that shit exploded, saw an Alunya pic and came here. Learned what theory and praxis is and achieved ultimate calm and certainty things will be okay.


I never was outright either, but when I was 16/17 the atheist youtubers I watched suddenly made anti-feminist content and I just took their representation of the matter at face value. Then I watched one video of Anita Sarkesian who was their prime boogeyman and everything she said was perfectly reasonable. I then realized these guys were just bitter towards women and became aware of how reactionaries argue mainly against a false representation of the other side. That was in 2012/2013. So I pretty much had a brief proto anti-SJW phase before that shit really started to flare up in 2015 and 2016.


Uh I wouldn't say Anita is reasonable lol. The hate against her bordered on psychosis most of the time, sure, but I wouldn't say she was "reasonable".



Ok guys lets calm down and stop calling each other nazis again this is getting silly


I had a monarchist/distributist phase that's about it.
Even though I'm white passing I've got mixed heritage so could never fall for the nazi meme.


the irony ofc being that /pol/ goblins are always usually 56%ers


I don't think any mixed people with any self awareness would become unironic nazis


you would be surprised
also dont forget about the system of "honorary aryans" that der fuehrer employed in his own time.


I had some weird ideas about universalist fascism when i first started having thoughts about politics and society, before i understood class.


yes don't underestimate the mental gymnastics a person can perform in order to justify believing in a ideology that doesnt accept them. especially with the internet, you don't have to go to skinhead meets like in the 80s, you can live online,without looking in the mirror, it becomes easier.


My right wing phase was limited to liberalism. I was always good on idpol issues and knew rich people could be bastards, but I believed all the totalitarian memes about Communism until I was an adult. Also I had a brief libertarian phase. Less the free market stuff and more just liking weed and liberty, and hating the two main american parties, and throwing my vote away with protest votes. That was after Obama failed to end the Iraq war. I started giving up on liberalism. Also seeing the way Gaddafi died made me question a lot of stuff.


Not really. I used to make bigoted jokes because I found the absurdity funny when I was a teenager ("who would say any of this stuff seriously, right??") but then a friend of mine said that what I do and say has consequences regardless of my intentions so I stopped doing that in public.


Daily remind that this thread belongs on /leftypol/


No. I briefly entertained the idea of anarcho-capitalism before finding out that anarchsm was a thing.


No. I was a standard american conservative idiot and hated gay people but I was never really racist. I hated religion which is probably the main thing that stopped me from going any further right as most online nazis larp as christians and talk about crusades and shit which I just found embarrassing


>Did you have an alt right/nazi phase? Explain it.
As a young kid I was patriotic and religious but I snapped out of it as I turned into a teenager. Its not surprising as all institutions had this indoctrination of kids like me.


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pick your poison

asian guy is chiang kai sheck's son


I was 18-19 when Orange Man Bad was running for president and I fell for the "he's the new le working class hero" meme. Due in part to social isolation and spending too much time on imageboards I slid down the rabbit hole for a bit. After a couple of years I grew disillusioned with Trump though, then /leftypol/ helped me snap out of it. After that I just sort of checked out for a few years. It's easy to pretend the outside world doesn't exist when you never leave the house.


same but after actually reading bakunin I realized how retarded it was


Yes I am a Nazi now.



>Then figuring out I was trans mellowed me out some
why are all ex-Nazis like this? why do so many transoids have a Nazi phase? I'm not sure now if I am supposed to punch the stromfaggot or feel bad for calling them a faggot lol
trans therapy is the cure for closeted Nazis? Why are they like this? Is fascism an outlet for their repression or something?


>Yes I am a Nazi now.


>Did you have an alt right/nazi phase? Explain it.
I was never right-wing, before I was simply anarchist or free software activist. when I was a kid I was always against anything related to status quo, culture itself, religion(I hated it so much because I was forced into it), how people did things in general, how people chose their appearance and etc etc. I always felt that literally everything was off so I was constantly trying to examine wtf is wrong with everyone and why everyone is so immersed into all of these fabrications while not realizing that all of that is fake.
>Its not surprising as all institutions had this indoctrination of kids like me.
I was always extremely disobedient so they couldn't indoctrinate me, I always disagreed with everything they said because it all looked fake and they all looked blind to me, it was weird

also when I was a kid there was a time in school when a girl said that she wanted to look more like a guy and I was like "you'd look good, do it!" I said it in portuguese while the rest of the class looked at her weird or with straight up prejudice. so yeah indoctrination failed me even from the start. I guess the fact that I knew english when I was a kid and could basically escape reality with games or internet helped I guess, also everyone only knew stuff only available in portuguese so I was kinda isolated when I was a kid


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>why are all ex-Nazis like this? why do so many transoids have a Nazi phase? I'm not sure now if I am supposed to punch the stromfaggot or feel bad for calling them a faggot lol
>Why are they like this? Is fascism an outlet for their repression or something?
Gorki was right but his solution was wrong.
>trans therapy is the cure for closeted Nazis?


Yes. The explanation is simple: I'm a Slav. The government and all media push this shit so regularly Hitler himself would kneel and say that we are the real aryans. And the funniest thing is, I wasn't racist at any point in my life. It just slotted in along with all the other garbage we all inherit from previous history.


I feel like if there was just any representation of leftist theory and praxis talk in the smug spacebar-commentary rantsona community back when I was in elementary school I could've skipped a lot of that. The
>come back and realized that shit was psyop content farms
part really came down to an algorithm shift–happening to come across ye olde leftist youtube debunking the stuff I was watching before, (then having the sense to sub purge immediately after, dodging having a breadtube phase) and later on in highschool people on twitter "following the money" from said gamergate youtubers to the thinktanks behind them to affirm my suspicions.

Like I honestly think the death of algorithm sites going on right now will save Gen B, maybe Gen C from having to plinko along phases like that and just allow themselves to figure out gender stuff out of the gate.


Most rabid extreme conswrvatives I encounter are atheist or agnostic.

Very few ultraconservatives are religious.
Theyre mainly political theologists.

In fact, as a kid, I always felt that white Christians weremt really religious.
Maybe because I was born black but as a kid I always notuced that the way white people approach God is a dry business-like transaction.

The idea of white people being hootin/hollerin like blacks is foreign to me and comes off as fake.


>Maybe because I was born black but as a kid I always notuced that the way white people approach God is a dry business-like transaction.
I was raised to treat it almost like academics, and they wonder why I'm not religious anymore.
But it the more I've thought about it, the more it feels like almost an inversion of Christianity. I posit that American white christians are actually satanists and don't even know it, cause regardless of how you feel about christian values, these fuckers ain't got em.


You would be surprised.


thats because of Protestantism.


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It's protest masculinity. People who feel like they can't compete in the marketplace of masculinity, turn to crime or fascism.

Used to be an incel geo-libertarian, before I transitioned. Never thought the Jews were behind it all and stuff though.


so its reactionary/defensive masculinity then?


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Well considering most trans people are leftists, probably part of is that cisgender masculinity and femininity are markets. Particularly remaining vigilantly competitive in the marketplace of cisgenderism is a huge time sink competing with actual, materially relevant markets.

All the cis dudes are on the couch listening to their 5th podcast of the day leaning How To Be An Ampersand Male (Better Than Diphthong??) while trans women / nbs are out building stuff.
Cis women are still in the bathroom applying their 16th layer of makeup while trans men / nbs have already done their morning cleaning and have started their work.

Like this cisgenderism shit is vestigial, and socialism won't make it retvrn because people won't be market brained under socialism.


You know that quote about how fascism is capitalism in crisis? I just think of it as in some cases fascism is patriarchy in crisis. Not too different, just a more fine-grained look at things.


Trump is not as virtuous as you think. Hes been long time freinds with Demicrat governors


I got really into the dissident right (moldbug, BAP, CS Lewis, etc), mostly out of my hatred of America and how leftism seems anti-intellectual (in terms of shouting down stats/arguments on moral grounds) which I find boring. I'm not looking for a tribe.

Leftism still doesn't seem like a credible threat to America, so I'm not interested in it.


Unless you were raised by fascist parents, if you've ever had a fascist phase you are immediately forever marked as a complete rube in my eyes.


Corpo websites are a 24/7 fascist babysitter. My parents just dropped me off at the public library after school as a weekday daycare alternative with some change to rent one of the computers for a few hours until bedtime.


im starting to get tired of "fascism".

Its a term thrown around too much like "incel" or "pedo" or "liberal" for everything.


What do you think is a better threat to America then.


BRICS's worldwide dedollarization, but it will be good for the world and will basically kill US's imperialism


the most powerful bric country is motivated by socialism though (at least to some extent)


you mean the second soviet union? cuba and vietnam also applied for membership so we might see more socialist countries joining, maybe even DPRK if they decide to apply for membership too(they should)


Fascists exist but fascism was exclusively a phenomenon tied to WWII.


I was never a nazi or a rightoid, but I used to be a democrat. I became a marxist, then I became MAGA of course.
That was before Trump became a political agent.


Yet Trump is whitewashing his own history


Hazoids are neoliberals and anyone who tries to reproduce capitalist relations is a Nazi. Definitionally including Lenin's project, btw.


Yes, I was. My politics were internet brained and existing irl got me away from it


Least liberal-idealist bordigist


>i am still a nazi
Why are you into interracial cuckold porn?


It's revolutionary


I don't think a bordigist would call Lenin or his project nazi


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I fell down the pipeline because of leafyishere. I remember he made some video about how SJWs were gonna take away my vidya games and I didn't even know what an SJW was at the time but I believed him. Then I discovered this youtuber named hunter avallone. He was your basic alt-right "destroying sjws with facts and logic type" and I was really into him for a while. Thankfully I eventually I grew out of that shit, but recently I checked on hunter avallone to see if he's doing the same shit just to find out he's a liberal democrat now. He basically does the same shit but now he's a "inclusive" liberal instead


I did it was a stalinist phase.


Yes, anon, very funny.


Now im a Putinist.


Yes, anon, very funny.


i was an easily influenced screen-poisoned edgelord but grew out of it just before i turned adult
i had a somewhat chvd father and kids around me made those jokes and i was too weak to resist ig
i wasnt a fascist and i didnt hurt anyone too much, really, but i cringe a ton about it nowadays whenever im laying in bed and cant sleep or whatever


Im so glad I was adult before 4chan existed.


same desu, i had most of the reactionary beliefs of my enviornment from an early age, and gradually my life experiences made me a leftist. iirc it was this video by shaun that really got me interested in learning more seriously about politics (or at least it's something i remembered being really impactful) since it described the way trans people end up being treated in public discourse really well at a time when i feared being thrown out of my house, being unable to get on hrt, killing myself etc.


"cringing at your younger self" is kinda a meme.
Yea I get that we have thibgs we regret but if its due to adults around you setting up the atmosphere how can you really be mad about your younger self?
Also I see way more adult converts to alt rightidm


we had right wing talk radio which was fairly popular in the 1980s through 2000s.


idk i just feel like i could have at least been a little nicer
it's part of the regret, anyways


its easy to cribge at your younger self but nobody bothers to ask if their current adult self is cringe.

Theres alot of us whom would cringe at our current self as much as our youbger self.

Tbh, this life isnt meant for us. People are too obsessed with making the perfect society and sociobiological state.

And I think this moral obsession with evolutionary perfection is why we have reactionaryism.


really normal character arc

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