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I like leftist thoughts.
I think you people are very academic, more so then the right.
You put thought into why the world is, what it should be and where it is headed.
I like most of you.
I am 26, and can't shake the thought that most leftists are man-hating harpies.
I don't want to be blamed for whatever happened to women.
I don't want to be accused of propagating patriarchy or whatever other nonsense, I don't want more hatred of me. Especially for things I didn't choose (my gender)
I just want to be left alone with my boyfriend, and to help others where I can.
How can I trust that most of you don't secretly want the worst for me?


Can't deny there are some man-hating harpies out there but mostly not. I mean it's been a long while since the apex of idpol. Do you really think if leftists were in charge they would kill all men or whatever though. Most of them are men in the first place.


How can you trust?
I dunno, counter-question: Do you have borderline or issues with paranoia?



In hindsight probably not, I just don't to associate with people who hate me or are "male tears type" I struggle badly with self hatred and these people will make it worse, I hate seeing all of this relationship theory or reproductive value concepts as it makes me feel awful about myself like there is a hole in my chest and I can't stop it leaking. Some things posted here are too painful to digest and make me feel bad about being alive

Yes to both, but… I am not sure why that is relevant, am I doing something wrong?


I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't really want to hang out with male tears kind of people either, but, idk. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be left wing. Leftism is the only way to solve the shitty state of relationships anyways. We need to remove money and for-profit hate-centered social media from the equation which would make things much better.


I guess I am curious though, you said you have a boyfriend, so are you gay then I assume? What have you seen on this board that upsets you? I can get if you were straight some of the incel shit or anti-incel shit can be depressing.


>am I doing something wrong?
Not atm but might become relevant later. I am what we in the business call an information control specialist.


>We need to remove money and for-profit hate-centered social media from the equation which would make things much better.
I think so too. I agree with alot of leftist talking points, i truly mean it when I say you people (sorry for grouping) have excellent ideas. I am being vauge here becuase I can't put my thoughts down accuratly. I don't want to associate with people who I think hate me or talk about hurting my group. I don't want to hurt people, I would like the same in return.

Bi, but I am loyal to my partner. There are a few things, here and a few things on 4chan. stating that men are only valuable for their genetics, or in the reltionship thread here people saying that monogamy is dead, most men should be castrated and trying to generate a higher female-to-male ratio of sex. I hate seeing things like that, it makes me feel worthless for having been born male, that I am a problem, and again it makes me feel like there is a hole in my chest, I didn't choose this, I don't go out trying to hurt or stab at people why are they posting this its painful to read it makes me feel awful.

At the risk of sounding stupid, I am not sure what you mean, please forgive me if you are trying to get a point across.


>if you are trying to get a point across
Eh not really. How did you get here, you sound very new to imageboards / this place.


>Eh not really. How did you get here, you sound very new to imageboards / this place.
A communist friend is helping me with suicidal ideation, and I want to know what they believe in, I spent years on 4chan and came here two days ago to see what you all thought I am glad I did, you people are fantastic conversationalist, its just some things you say feel like a knife through the heart.


This place is half communist, half kids or other politically uneducated (regressives, liberals, etc. pp.)


Then dosen't that mean that half of the communists hold these views? aren't half of those kids leftists too?


No, they don't hold these views or they aren't communist. Kids may be leftist but they are politically uneducated.


Well, that makes me feel a better… Even still some people who believe and espouse communist or socalist stuff believe in that. It going to push people away and feels like you hate them / me for things we didn't choose.


>I didn't choose this, I don't go out trying to hurt or stab at people why are they posting this its painful to read it makes me feel awful.

Honestly, when I was new to here, I was incredibly sensitive to slurs, insults and so on… those awful magical words would bring itchy aches in my chest. By the time, I've developed some tolerance, but as to dig into our matter…

I've never seen the stuff you told that they said about 'men', (also I think most of the people here are males, huh.), but I've seen things about monogamy. I too have nauseas towards polygamy with aches if I try to imagine scenarios related. I see love as a singularity in plurality and plurality in singularity. It devours all other things treasured and it becomes everything, the most radical form of aestetics, (which has its negatives and upheavals, but it also wants to transcend objectivity! ) , a kiss between two lovers is more intense for me than sex etc. between others. Yeah, that's just my feelings… the point is that there is no 'united' opinions on such things amongst the people, they will tell their tales as the time gently passes, if some of those tales hurt your heart, I would like to cease it, but I dunno how, just don't think that all people despise you :<


If you're still here this is eating me up how did you know I was borderline / paranoid please tell me i don't want people to know my failings what gave it away so i can hide it?

I'm not as stoic as I want to be and things hurt and leave me feeling bad. I want to be here I like leftist stuff I like you as leftists but I don't want to be hurt. Someone said I had a little facist in me and i don't want to leave him even if he hurts me because I don't know what happens when I leave.
I like your point about asthetics i want things to he kind and simple two people love eachother no matter gender or race or whatever just teo people who enjoy their company. I'm sorry im making this thread into a psychological thing I dont want to be read that all men are a cancerous growth on society snd i don't want to let go of my beliefes it hurts too much to let go even if they hurt me


I'm just really good at guessing


Most people here are not stoic. Theyre mainly disgruntled social misfits whose only solace is imageboards.

only because kids arent really invested by society
as individuals.

Most political spaces are male.

Its mainly failed adults here. Not all faux pas is children. Especially in political spaces.

Most people on hete are farces. Theyre all "regressives".
I mean how many threads must talk about reparations for college or including prostitutes as proletariat?
Or talking about nobody streamers I havent heard about before coming here?


Yeah that's exactly what I mean. You suffer from arrested development.


case in point what I make about projection and mind blindness


Go to therapy


>I'm not as stoic as I want to be and things hurt and leave me feeling bad. I want to be here I like leftist stuff I like you as leftists but I don't want to be hurt.

I see, dear anon. But… what is to be done? Are we going to judge the ones who crafted the wicked imagery which hurts your poor soul and send them to the depths of hell?



No such thing

Either a closeted gay. Or a straight who couldn't pick women so you force yourself to be with femboys(USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST)


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retardGOD i kneel…


Hello, sorry for the delay in posting. I wasn't feeling very good mentally and needed to get sleep. I'm a little bit better now, I apologise for this.

I'll be honest, this hurt. I don't like the idea that someone can see through my soul, or thereabouts it makes me feel vulnerable. I know you don't mean it, but if you knew that what is stopping you from hurting me with it?

I should be more stoic, but instead leftypol anons and 4chan anons seem to be more in control of my emotional state then me and it makes me feel childish.

I saw your post in the other thread, I think you mean me. I don't know what I am feeling, I just know sometimes I will have brilliant conversations with leftis here (similar to now) where I will learn so much from you people, and gain new ideas… Then other times you will say something, not on purpouse either, and I will spend the rest of the day unable to do anything becuase I am in a foul mood with a hole in my chest. Perhaps its me, not you I just don't know what to do or how to make it stop. I hate feeling less becasue I am male.


>I don't like the idea that someone can see through my soul
I'll let you in on a secret, everyone feels pretty much the same way.


I'm glad to know I am not alone then, sometimes I think people put themselves out there in real life, and I don't understand why. You knew I had those issues from just seeing me post, how can I trust you or other people not to use those to judge me or hurt me, or worse? I want to be more opaque. I want to be more stoic.


You deny there are people who are turned on by both men and women?


My guy, I can't answer your question. I can sketch out how we got in this situation. I was looking into BPD for totally unrelated reasons recently. I saw your post, it looked to me like the workings of a sensitive mind. I just saw the paranoia (everyone is paranoid to different degrees) and tacked on the borderline because I had it on my mind, so to say. Just a little sleight-of-hand. I perform at parties sometimes.


Its funny. Your party trick has completely frazzled my emotions, you are a good magician. Do you believe in coincidence?


>Do you believe in coincidence?
Yes, however I am suspicious of them at the same time.


Becuase of this interaction, interaction with a friend and some other things, I am going to look into speaking to a therapist. I was already worried my BPD was hurting those around me. You don't know me, but this small interaction has helped me alot, or at least kicked me in the ass to sort myself out. If you believe in karma, this is your good karma.


Well, thank you, I'll be sure to spend it on something nice.


>I should be more stoic, but instead leftypol anons and 4chan anons seem to be more in control of my emotional state then me and it makes me feel childish.
i think the way you're open and sincere about your emotions on an imageboard is cute and refreshing anon. keep being u


Godspeed helpful leftist friend.

I'm glad, its just jarring to be thrown around by other people so easily.


imagine being such a spooked reactionary


I apologise for not responding to you earlier. I want nothing done, these people are free to post whatever they wish. The issue is myself not them, I just wanted to speak to others about it. I am sorry for not specifying. I don't want people banned or crusaded against. They didn't do anything wrong


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It's all okay…
And, the issue isn't you either.
I guess everyone alters the world with their power in according to the pattern of their own will.

In Undertale metrics, are you a kindness soul? *wink*


Its been years since I have played Undertale, but yes I would say I am the kindness soul, or at least strive to be with people.


>26 and still thinks this way
So what learning disability and/or mental disorder do you have?


Undertale takes place around the journey of 'determination' , since in Undertale the fallen humans has their own patterns, I thought it'd be funny take it to make an example :P

Of course, it is all pretty abstract.


>I should be more stoic, but instead leftypol anons and 4chan anons seem to be more in control of my emotional state then me and it makes me feel childish.

Dont worry about it. Im not putting you down. Youre not the problem, they are. And dont worry about feeling childish.

>I saw your post in the other thread, I think you mean me. I don't know what I am feeling, I just know sometimes I will have brilliant conversations with leftis here (similar to now) where I will learn so much from you people, and gain new ideas… Then other times you will say something, not on purpouse either, and I will spend the rest of the day unable to do anything becuase I am in a foul mood with a hole in my chest. Perhaps its me, not you I just don't know what to do or how to make it stop. I hate feeling less becasue I am male.

Can you point to which post?


I loved playing undertale when I was younger, I remember watching stories explaining the link between Celtic culture and toriel. Are you playing deltarune?

I think this was your post >>540947
bot of you mentioned mind blindness


>Are you playing deltarune?

Nop, but I played Undertale Yellow and it was awesome and pretty touching!!
You can take a look at it in gamejolt.


3.4m views and 7k likes? Thats pretty cool and its got a free download for Windows. Thank you! i'm doing nothing today so I'll give this a play, I appreciate the recommendation. how come you're not playing DR?


DR is not finished and I don't like drowning into unfinished job, my breath would go exhausted and I wouldn't be able to continue, so it becomes a torment.

And yes, it is free and a finished work. I bestow you my wishes in your journey.


>>541022 (me)
>unfinished job
I mean 'unfinished work' , oof.


Thank you… Will I see you around here again?


Most probably, I guess.


I hope I do. You've been kind to me andI like you, part of me doesn't want to let you go… Take care lefty anon, I wish you well and thank you!


>No such thing
Did you forget cheaters exist?


lefty anon are you still here? Can we be friends I like you.


I'd rather stay anonym.


Oh no worries! Take care anon!


You too, see, I am not really fan of such things…


Its okay you don't need to justify it. Thank you for being kind with me and I hope to see you around <3


No one hates gay men more than women.


Why is the mods deleting posts stealthily? Why not just delete or lock the thread like you're going to do eventually anyways?


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Hey, it's you again. How are you doing?

>relationship thread
Full of reactionaries. Steer clear from it.
>monogamy is dead
It's eroding, though it won't go away any time soon. When I say this (generally when Leftists say these things, but I can only speak for myself), I'm not attacking monogamy of making a case for polygamy, but rather making an observation about the current state of things. I see no reason why it would affect you in any way since you seem to be in a stable monogamic relationship. We can talk more about this if you want.

I'm stoic enough. Or thick skinned against internet drama. I mean, just close your eyes etc, right?

Kill yourself.


I always see gay men hanging out with women, to be honest. I thought this was a well-known stereotype. Anyway, these groups of people are so numerous that these generalizations are often off the mark and therefore not very useful. Some abuse victims hate men, gay or straight, but this is out of psychological trauma and isn't a political stance. TERFs also hate men but they're not to be taken seriously.

This is a good idea, just beware, try to get a good psychologist. I've had both good and bad experiences with therapists so now I kinda know how to gauge one. I hope you can get a thicker skin, very useful skill to develop these days.


Idk man that anon isnt wrong.
Cishet males arent the only oppressors


Yea thst was me but I assure you I wasnt attacking you. I was addressing the others.





You sure?
Alot of cishet female homophobes arent religious but theyre status quo disciples.
Stop assuming that women are automatically empathetic to minorities


I am gay/bi. I have never had issues with straight-males, they have been nothing but nice to me, but this is anecdotal.

Hello again, I am fine! How have you been anon? <3

>Full of reactionaries. Steer clear from it.
I made this mistake, and now bexuase of it I feel like shit and there I feel like there is a hole in my chest. Other people can make me feel like shit too easily. I wish people were nicer to eachother… Are you not all brothers here?

>It's eroding, though it won't go away any time soon. When I say this (generally when Leftists say these things, but I can only speak for myself), I'm not attacking monogamy of making a case for polygamy, but rather making an observation about the current state of things. I see no reason why it would affect you in any way since you seem to be in a stable monogamic relationship. We can talk more about this if you want.

This hurts. It hurts more than I am willing to admit. I am in a stable relationship and I am loyal to my partner, I am not going to cheat on him infact I want to Matty him one day. I don't like polygama it feels like it is cheating, like one person isn't good enough to meet your needs. Like that person is a failure, and in conunction with the eugenics I see on the reltionship thread it makes me trust leftis alot less. I don't like cheating, I don't like polygamay it should be one person to one person. I know I still have some right wing belifes and that sooner or later I am going to have to grow up and consider why I believe certain things, but I am not ready to give this one up. I am not ready to move past some things I believe becuase its painful.

>I'm stoic enough. Or thick skinned against internet drama. I mean, just close your eyes etc, right?

This is a problem I am having with myself. I can't close my eyes, I can't look away. I can't control my own emotions or feelings. I see a post about someone struggling, here or on 4chan and I feel empathy towards them, I try and console them, I try and be there for them. I see a post about how men are evila and we need to abort make fetus at conception and I feel depressed, I feel like there is ahole in my chest becuase someone hates my entire gender and people don't choose their birth gender. I can't control how I feel at all I can't close my eyes.

>This is a good idea, just beware, try to get a good psychologist. I've had both good and bad experiences with therapists so now I kinda know how to gauge one. I hope you can get a thicker skin, very useful skill to develop these days.

Another anon saw right th rough me and knew I had bpd, and it has mde me feel terrible becuase I couldn't hide it, he saw through me like a fucking book. I have never had thick skin and people can easily change my emotional state. I think something is wrong and I have neglected it for two long… Thank you for wishing me well.

Its okay anon, I thought you were but I am thankful you clarified <3


I don't think this is right, my own mother hates me, men have been nothing but kind to me, if this is true its another one of those painful beliefes I can't move past.


I have made a fuck-tonne of spelling mistake sin this, so to anyone who is reading I apologise. It is 4am here, and I have just woken up.


I have a friend called Dave. We're both 26 and both studied Computer Science, he knows me and my boyfriend. We've been friends since 2018. I got to the gym with him, two days ago. He said two things that I found quite odd, he said If I was a woman he would want to date me, and when I asked why? He said its becuase I am the only friend he has who cares about him. When I pressed him about this, its becuase I regularly send him messages on fbi.gov asking if he is doing well emotionally. I also ask him to come do kendo with me alot, which his other friends don't. This is conjecture, but I disagree. Those "moids" are my friends, they care about me and I care about them.


> Most political spaces are male.
But how come that in general females are less politically apathetic and vote more often?


Tbh I think its because of all the chivalric pandering.
If you mean more women vote than men, do you mean irregardless of political oriemtation or by the liberal default?

Also, women arent really engaged as participants like men are again due to paternal favoritism.

Although it depends. I see that its usually older/butch women that are more industrially active.


i like leftist thots lol hahaha


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You have to treat feminists like the trolls they are. Don’t feed them.
They feed on your negative attention. Literal energy vampires.
If you ignore them, they’ll move on.


A good portion of the Kill All Men type posts on here are ironic in the same way that Kill All White People posting is also ironic. A lot of the posters here calling for the death of cishet white males are themselves cishet white males.

As far as my actual opinions:
I love men. Loving men is good. I believe in revolutionary men loving. Actual leftist academics (as in not uneducated twitter ranters) realize this and as a result do not hate men for being men. If you think about it, who LOVES men? Straight/bi women and gay/bi men, so in other words, women & the gays (minorities) LOVE men, so if you hate on men for being men you're hating on the stuff that minorities like.

If there is anything bad about us "moids" it is that we succumb too easily to viewing our maleness as dark, disgusting, horrible, and unlovable. "Toxic Masculinity" is when this view of yourself as a Gender-Evil becomes a source of pride; The "Alpha Males" love being the Predator, the hunter, the dominant and mean, etc. These men all view themselves as being evil for being male and then idealize and worship this evil they see within themselves. The polar opposite of this toxic masculinity is being gay as fuck and loving yourself as a MAN and LOVING MEN not out of a love of the supposed evilness of men but out of a love of male bodies and maleness itself in all of its forms and expressions.



I love you.


This is just sexism with extra steps


Well, I'm gay too and the only group of people I abhor are straight males in particular. Maybe I'm a bit of a male mysandrist myself


>using 2024 AI to generate 2004 style demotivational poster memes


That is a good point though. Who loves men the most if not women and homosexuals? Just look at all the gay furry threads in siberia. Sorry bros but if you're anti-moid you're sexist, bigoted against gay people and antifur. This is just faxx


Gay furry threads? Disgusting… where?


What a time to be alive.
I hope you’re willing to own that you’re bringing homophobia and misogyny back in style.


Doesn't exist. This is spooked shit. Love working class humans, that's all.


All straight moids have always been like that lmfao


And why do you say that? As if 99% straight moids aren't mysoginist homophobes already


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brilliant, visionary post. i kneel.


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You’re not completely wrong.
I was completely homophobic and misogynistic growing up. But then they started to earn my respect, so I worked on it. And I wasn’t alone. And you know it. You must’ve noticed that public opinion completely flipped on gay marriage, by the end of the 00’s.
But (You) hormonal bitches are draining all that respect, that was so hard earned, generation by generation.


Please stop with the radfem lingo, they hate your guts.


Whose "you"?


Radfems are more tolerable than most straight moids


>segregation is honestly the best,
I think gay segregation would be a fucking terrible idea.


Why do you say that?


The hormonal bitches that are destroying the reputation of the groups they speak on behalf of.
Proof that men can menstruate too.


Never allow anyone to speak on your behalf until you know them inside and out


That’s the problem with collectivism. You really don’t have a say over who speaks on your behalf.


Individualism ismt that much better either


It has other shortcomings. It offers no representation, which is better than misrepresentation.


I guess the problem with individualism is that everyone wants the same thing.
Collectivism's problem is that everybody wants to impose their own visual filter as the whole spectrum.


You’re missing the point of individualism, if you think the problem is everyone wants the same thing.
The entire point is that everyone gets to choose their own thing. Whether they have the means to have much of a choice, is up for debate.
Where-as collectivists can pool their resources and consolidate their strengths to get what they want.
Only problem is when the leadership of the collective is blindly trusted to represent the collective.


You gotta be mature and trust us that we're fucking intelligent enough to understand you're a complex individual.


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>I love men. Loving men is good. I believe in revolutionary men loving.
If you show a man enough love he will charge into hell for you. Interesting how easily people miss this simple trick, maybe the simplest of all tricks.


Society loves machismo bit hates male personhood.

Men are never allowed to be quirky wihout being blamed for the fall of society.


well individualism tells the bold lie of self-made men.
They make it seem that all good works originate with single individual people.

That people can somehow turn bread at the fist moment of adulthood with no prior training.


Most lefty pol anons are fantastic people, you are kind and fun to be around, I know most of you are trolling with the shit you say (its fine I do it too) but sometimes you will say something that makes me feel like shit about characteristics I did not choose.
Being male is one of them, I know you're right and that I just need to trust you all, but it hurts and is painful to read some of the shit people write here. It's painful


I despise straight males mostly, not gays


For the longest time I was a straight male until I discovered I really really enjoyed other males bodies. I can't decouple myself from what I use to be, when you say you hate straight males. You are saying you use to hate the old me, or… a part of me. This hurts


whatever incel


I have yet to see a good reason why I shouldn't be upset over traits I cannot change. It is treated like a given that you have to accept them and you're "crazy" not to. It's all humanist semi-religious nonsense.


It's not that you "shouldn't" as a moral imperative but rather that it isn't very useful to do so


That’s a narrative I guess. But it’s not the point.
The point is, we don’t have to share the same goals or objectives in life. We can go our separate ways.
Collectivism devolves into division and bickering over which direction the group can agree on.


>It's not that you "shouldn't" as a moral imperative but rather that it isn't very useful to do so
Or just keep doing you.


One day maybe it will make sense to me. I'm just trying to find a convincing reason that doesn't rely on religion. Although I do believe in God


Hey anon… Can you tell me why you hate yourself?
I will be honest with you. I grew up on 4chan, and hated myself for being mixed-race. I have a lot of rightoid programing in my head that hurts me to this day. I don't like my eye or hair colour becuase I feel like its lesser. A friend is helping me work through those, but it hurts alot.
Can you tell me about your situation?


I am mixed as well and I think if I was not half black I'd have (or at least had) a (maybe more than one) gf. Even with everything else being the same. But really I'm trying to figure out how people, who may be worse off than I am, manage to not loathe themselves without just being deluded.


I am half-white half asian, I honestly don't know anon. I sometimes feel intense self-hatred and start cutting my wrists to deal with it. I have a friend I met here, who told me that I was brainwashed and its fucking stupid. Perhaps the same is true for you? Can I ask… Do you desire to be desired by women? Or are you just annoyed at how easy they have things? Like how they're always accepted, are those your general thoughts?


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Don't believe all that anti halfu shit. I'll tell you I know this half Chinese half White guy who has never had trouble getting pussy. He's really sweet guy, he's soft boy and very naive with women because it all comes to him so easily. His last girlfriend was houndin him trying to get with him and he asked, "uh do you think she's into me?" He's rich too so there's that lol. Being a broke uygha and being a soft boy is the greatest sin. You can be one but not both.


Here anon comes to the rescue of the lighter (better) person with a shit anecdote of a bourgeois faggot that gets women easily.


I'm sorry life has been hard for you anon… I don't think my platatutes are going to make you feel better, but for what its worth I empathise with you. I am a soft idiot and small… I use to hate women, till I found out I was gay. But I feel you for what its worth, not being desired takes your soul from you and you end up in a horrid, dark and awful place.
I want to ask, do you seek to change yourself.?

Stop being mean, please.


>Here anon comes to the rescue of the lighter (better) person

>I'm sorry life has been hard for you anon… I don't think my platatutes are going to make you feel better, but for what its worth I empathise with you. I am a soft idiot and small… I use to hate women, till I found out I was gay. But I feel you for what its worth, not being desired takes your soul from you and you end up in a horrid, dark and awful place.
>I want to ask, do you seek to change yourself.?
I never tried to slit my wrists. I never hated myself. Stop projecting faggot.

Keep doing you anyways. I didn't say it was wrong to be soft I just tried to explain the mystery of why you get no female attention and it's not your race.


Did you reply to the right person? I was being nice to you, and I am not straight anyway… I can't tell if this is just a misreply or you are trying to hurt me.

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