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ITT: talk about board celebrity newgene and gossip about them


Who is newgene?




I remember when Newgene first came over from 7chan, he could still write without having five typos in every single word.


newgene…. is LE GAY.


you know I think hes right about most things


His mental health is clearly deteriorating and it's genuinely just funny to watch. Pity is for the weak, but the weak that refuse all avenues to become stronger, what about them? Indifference


I'm actually desperately in love with him. Although I disagree with much of what he has to say, he does raise good points.


I have no idea.


File: 1717601112562.jpg (37.58 KB, 701x681, 1705290374217586.jpg)

He's an obnoxious schizo retard and his "analysis" is idealism conjured straight from his deranged mind. He adds nothing, his posts are, for all practical purposes, spam that derails a thread to his own pet theories that aren't more than moral imperatives. In fact he's worse than Junko and Thing Noticer because he can't be filtered so everytime someone mentions women or age I have to scan the replies for reddit spacing, typos, and his usual buzzwords, all to spare my brain from taking psychic damage from his bullshit.


The only non-Anon I like is Shay.


Shay is unhinged


Im amased that you guys made another umoteenth thread about me.
Also, yea I can be a bit anooying, but how is that any differemt from you guys making threads about "Is X fascist" for the umpteenth time?
How many threads must be made about nazi-to-transhumanist pipeline?

Or whining about being lonely and horny?


Your posts are worse than those threads


I think he adds flavour to this site.



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