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My deepest desire is for a man who is stronger them me, physically, spiritually and mentally to stop me. If I go to self harm I want him to grab my arm and physically stop me, I want him to force me to eat nutritious food, to exercise with him to be social. I want him to prevent me from making mistakes and to force me inside when he sees my BPD flares up. I want someone, anyone to just stop me from hurting myself, to just stand in the way when I am about to make a mistake, this is my biggest desire. What is your biggest desire?


I want to abolish capitalism and the state.


Sounds like Christianity lol!


May you live to see this come into reality.


My biggest desire is to bash OP's head against his keyboard/ make him swallow his phone for being a collossal fucking faggot.


I am sorry if I caused you harm. I did not intend it.


>What is your biggest desire?
Raise taxes


Most fembrained post on this website.


>What is your deepest desire?
Reduce taxes


What do you mean by this?


>What is your biggest desire?
End of capitalism. Not being snarky, it would solve most of the problems I and the people in my life suffer from.
Other than that, I'd like to not have ADHD, but that's not a physical possibility.


I am sorry about your adhd


It means he hates women and holds you lower in his eyes by comparing you to one as he furiously masturbates to porn.


daddy issues


Society (or lack of it) issues




But no one mentioned women, I don't know how someone can jump to them

Its not daddy issues, I didn't have one I just want someone to sdtop me from doing dumb things physically.


>didn't have one
Yeah bud that would do it


:( this hurts


sixty nine broooooooo woo 420 yo


Sounds like you want an adult taking care of you.


I don't want to admit this is true. I just want someone to physically stop me from doing stupid shit. Someone who is stronger than me, this is cringe what the fuck am I writing.



This romantic fetish is how most cishey women view men.
As eternal daddy-husband figures that are supposed to stop them from their own stupidity.

Yep. And guess what? The male attemdance for Protestant church has went down in the past dentury due to the romanticised image of God as some daddy-husband figure.
Protestantism has castrated Christianoty by adapting/creatung suburbanisation and chivalry.

Louis CK should be lucky this happened in Gen X timelime.
But this is what Im talking about. Women want men to do everything for them.amd if she feels slightly bored/weord, its always your fault.

But the real problem is how people, both male amd female, cis and trans, are incapable of loving amd fucking withput imposong their fetish/kink filter onto others.

We deserve to be lonely. AI/VR porn systems, here we come.


bpd isnt real ur just a bad person


>Yep. And guess what? The male attemdance for Protestant church has went down in the past dentury due to the romanticised image of God as some daddy-husband figure.
No male attendance in church and religiosity has declined because men are retarded and would rather watch 1000000 youtube videos of andrew tate, or feminists owned compilation #23508237502835, than to stop and think about the implications of a society in which everyone behaves like the sociopaths they worship.


That is the symptom, not the cause


Maybe they just don't see a reason to believe in God??


what do you imagine it feels like?


thrilling, exhilarating, fun, terrifying.


how would you do it? Do you think you'd start to go insane and want to do it again? sorry for fedposting i am just curious


>how would you do it?
some way that is very sensual, strangulation comes to mind but i was also thinking something more bloody, like a stabbing leading to death of blood loss.
>Do you think you'd start to go insane and want to do it again?
although i"d like to know what it feels like, i don't think of myself as having an interest in becoming a regular killer.


Do you have violent fantasies? Would you say you are desensitised to violence to? I am not implying you're a killer or anything. i am interested. I would like pitting my hands around someones neck because I would like to feel their heartbeat and breathing in my hands, even if I don't end up hurting them.


I may have a desire to know what it feels like to take a life, but I have no material interest what so ever to actually engage in the act, of which I find particularly disgusting and uncouth, not to mention I would be putting myself in the position of having commited a violent crime which would require retribution from the state for breaking the social contract. No matter how potent the desire to experience a fleeting feeling, if you act on that desire in the face of a life sentence, or worse punishment, you must be delusional or have no desire to live at all.


the fursuit is cute


It is isn't it? I am partial to tigers more.


Chances are you're not a fed, however I have to say this anon… Is everything okay in your life?


I have a hard time telling if something is trolling, so please I ask you one anon to another if you are could you tell me? I can't tell, I think you're not in which case I want to ask why you are a satanist but again, can you tell me?


How do you worship or show reverence to your dark god? Do you have any holy acts or the like? You're interesting. What do you think about your common man?


>My deepest desire is for a man who is stronger them me, physically, spiritually and mentally to stop me. If I go to self harm I want him to grab my arm and physically stop me, I want him to force me to eat nutritious food, to exercise with him to be social. I want him to prevent me from making mistakes and to force me inside when he sees my BPD flares up. I want someone, anyone to just stop me from hurting myself, to just stand in the way when I am about to make a mistake, this is my biggest desire.
You want parents.


I didn't have very good ones and now I seek them. I will be honest if I ever win the lottery I would pay someone to be my dad : (

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