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As a german i do not see a future
The CDU are conservatives funded by black rock and the bourgeoisie
Grünen are greens currently in government also funded by the bourgeoise
The SPD are socdems also fundes by the bourgeoisie
The AfD are fascists (probably funded by the bourgeoisie
The BSW is like MAGAcoms
The FDP are ancaps funded by the bourgeoisie
The Left are all groups of leftists with a lot of Anti-Germans
Volt are reddit retards

Lets nuke germany
Also the only workers party here is the MLPD


The AFD and BSW getting almost a quarter of the vote between them is hopefuel tbh.


Why is it good that Nazis get votes?


Germany hasn't had a hopeful future ever since West Germany annexed the DDR.


Indonesia will surpass germany economy in a few years, let that sink in.


>First Hitler, then us!


They're pro-Russia and want Germany to leave the EU.


We should support the fascists because they share some of our positions. This has never backfired before.


child left behind


I am worried that if the AfD gains absolute leadership similar to the Nazis, they will reveal a similar true nature. After all, the Nazis also made many socialist slogans when they were an opposition party.


they should be fucked. they had the opportunity to build a worker state and they squandered it forever


Yeah, but to be fair, almost entire world teamed up to stop them.


The SDP are worse than the Nazis.


>KPD, 1933.


The KDP was banned and its members imprisoned under both the SDP and the NSDAP. However the Nazis were at least willing to negotiate with the Soviet Union.


these fucking abbreviations man


Germany made plenty of agreements with the USSR under the SPD and the KPD also was able to operate freely and win millions of votes, elect hundreds of parliamentarians under Weimar. Don't be retarded.


But the Russians are anti-Nazis, if the AfD came in power they would have to invade Germany.


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the SPD were retards (they rejected doing Keynesianism on "Marxist" grounds!!) but the whole KPD-SPD spat was a giant retard fight. One of the worst trends of modern internet communism is that you've got to pretend the KPD were correct, rather than obviously self-destructively retarded at every possible turn, often dragging the entire international communist movement along with them. (hey guys, did you know the 1920s/30s are "objectively revolutionary times"?)
"the SPD were equally or even more retarded!" is not a response that engenders confidence - show most social democrats their economic policy and they'll agree that they were retarded. show a communist the KPD on the other hand and you'll have them pull out all the stops to insist they see a victim who was right about everything. (well, maybe they were, perhaps their retardation was historically necessary for Stalin to intervene and give us the DDR. boy, would I like to see someone argue that out loud!)


how are the russians anti-nazi's exactly. i'm curious.


Clearly you never heard of Russian anti fascists fighting in Ukraine like the Rusich Group or the Russian Imperial Movement


Germany has aways lagged behind Italy when it comes to politics. The AfD is just as much a cuck to the US as Meloni. When the time comes, they're going to bend to Uncle Sam.


The left is not ready to answer that question.

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