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My boyfriend calls me imouto


that's rough. you should kill him


*legs trembling* h-h-h-h-h-h-h-holy…. *kneels* BBBBBBAAAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEEDDDDD


>>543242 (me)
wait i just looked up the meaning of that word thats cringe kys NOW


You should call him onii-chan.


yes Ido


I heard in Korea that it's common for girls to call their boyfriend big brother(oppa.) I guess it's not weirder than calling your boyfriend daddy. In NYC slang they call all women 'ma.' I also read that in India it used to be standard to call every woman mother as well.


"There's this psychologist, a lady named Dr. Francis
Crest Welsing, she has a theory about the Black man in
America. She says essentially the Black man in this
country is a "baby", a not yet fully formed being who
has not realized his full potential. To support her
claims she offers the following:

First off, what does a Black man call his
woman? … momma .

Secondly, what does a Black man call his
closest acquaintances, … His boys.

And finally, what does a Black man call
his place of residence? … His crib."


File: 1718058755920.jpg (27.86 KB, 397x452, good_with_kids.jpg)

I wish I had an imouto!!!!


that is not a very good argument


File: 1718058944836.png (41.59 KB, 954x1289, glegle baitius.png)

based loli anon

Yeah I know I just think it's a funny coincidence and weird visuals in the movie


you will never be loved ugly ass uygha


Incestfags have never had siblings (at the least, of the gender they're attracted to) and if OP isn't making shit up then it's further proof of this lol.


I have siblings and still like incest hypothetically, I just don't wanna fuck my actual siblings


When I fap to incest I fantasize about my childhood friend (we're still close). I've never had any interest in my brother or sister.


have siblings and love incest, don't know which angle you come from.



what about incest with mother or father


yeah i watched monogatari dude too


rare sensible post


i have siblings, i am in love w one of them but i know it probably wont happen so i got a bf


*nod* this is what they dont get. its like a childhood friends fantasy

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