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Recently, my stomach has started to hurt on the buildup to a fart. Like a squelching churning pain. Am I dying?


maybe youre pregnate?



maybe you need more fiber in your diet


You might need to get a gas valve installed.


I wish people would stop with this meme


Is this real chat. How does it not get infected


Got a plug on its back


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It's got a plug that goes in the hole. It's like a colostomy bag minus the bag although they're working on versions that harvest the farts to produce electricity and mine bitcoin.


>produce electricity and mine bitcoin
Will the bitcoin miner be on the cow?


Yeah but whats the dealwith the gaping hole


>A cannulated cow or fistulated cow refers to a cow that has been surgically fitted with a cannula.[1] A cannula acts as a porthole-like device that allows access to the rumen of a cow, to perform research and analysis of the digestive system and to allow veterinarians to transplant rumen contents from one cow to another.[1][2]


>fiber truther
eat at least one serving of vegetables and one serving of fruit a day and get back to me after 30-60 days


File: 1718086447924.jpg (84.01 KB, 800x1200, krakatoa.jpg)

Vegetables make me fart a lot.

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