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"No chin, no right to speak."
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>Why don't you talk more?
<I don't really have anything to say


are you the talker or the talkee?


>I don't really have anything to say
Same, people may think i am this profound man who keeps to himself and is always thinking and planning and is just anti-social.

The truth is idk what i am doing all the time, and the way i interpret the world is complete nonsensical and contradictory when put in words and expressions.


>>543535 (me)
That is why i am using less and less this website, i think i already said everything i wanted, and this is not really a place to "learn". If i wanted to learn i would read books, instead of going in here.


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>Why don't you talk more?
<I don't like you


most normies dont have much to say either. they just say whatever springs to mind. this is why they mostly talk gossip about instagram celebrities or whatever. youre not "special"


im usually in deeply uncomfortable situations irl so i probably dont talk because of that
dealt with family abuse and bullying at school growing up so i dont trust anyone enough to yap to them


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>be at social gathering
>not able to contribute to anything sane people are talking about
>sit there quietly and kinda look around awkwardly
>they know
>they know they know they know they know they know they know they know they know they know they know


What do they know?


they're reading my thoughts




Sooo… they know that you know that they know?


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Your fear that everyone knows what you're thinking is just a psychological self-deception defense mechanism to shield you from the reality that absolutely no one cares what you're thinking and that's why they're not asking you, not because they already know.


nice try CIA


I have a lot to say, just not about anything that the people I know want to talk about.


About what kinda things do you have a lot to say?


mostly leftism and software



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Tell me about software.




she has such a beautiful voice


here are 6 different concepts in unix:
1. directories (1:many, local)
2. symlinks (1:1, non-local/cross filesystem)
3. hardlinks (1:1, semi-non-local/same filesystem)
4. filesystem mounts (1:many, non-local)
5. loopback filesystems (1:many, non-local)
6. pipelines (1:1, local)

how possible is it to consolidate this into one abstraction?

1&2: a directory points to a set of nodes that MUST be its children. meanwhile a symlink points to a single node that is not its child. these could be merged into a pointer that is 1:many, but non-local (not mandatory for the nodes to be its children)

3: a hardlink is simply another name for a file, which may be located somewhere else. a file in unix can have multiple filenames. I've never really heard of a compelling use for this over symlinks besides the fact that the implementation of symlinks is kind of broken. so let's dump this.

4: plan 9 did away with symlinks, and used filesystem mounts for everything. hurd has a translator mechanism which is used to implement both filesystem mounts and symlinks. in hurd, a symlink is a very simple translator that points from one single node to another single node. and you can create a symlink with the "settrans" command. so symlinks can be rolled into 4.

5: a loopback filesystem is a filesystem stored in a file on top of another filesystem. the architecture of OSes like hurd and plan9 is recursive, so there is no distinction between a "real" and "fake" filesystem, a filesystem server sees the underlying backend the same either way. so this is merged into 4.

6: in linux, a process has a set of i/o virtual files in /proc/self/fd/ which contain the data coming in and out. there is also a "pipefs" filesystem which is inaccessible from the root filesystem where the pipeline is set up, and is accessed through a separate "pipe" syscall instead of normal fs syscalls. I am unsure of the relation between pipefs and /proc, given one is accessible under / and the other isn't. It could be that pipes were implemented first with pipefs and /proc was added later for instrumentation purposes. Anyways, you could just create pipes by pointing between these /proc/ files, and do away with pipefs and pipe(). And have the shell deal with the boilerplate of setting up and tearing down the communication files. This also sets up the possibility for "seekable pipes", which would mean chaining together any number of programs that can output filesystem-like data

so what would a merger of all of this look like?
-a pointer is a special (simple) type of translator
-a pointer would point to an arbitrary number of other nodes at arbitrary locations
-the filesystem would be a graph instead of a tree as each node can share the same children
-a node can contain another such pointer, or it may contain a more complex translator that translates a protocol for filesystem access
-every pointer IS a filesystem mount, usually a very simple one (see 4)
-the contents of every filesystem are "flat" like an object store by default with no defined structure except that defined by the applications through the creation of filesystem pointers to create a tree (or graph)
-no directories/symlinks/hardlinks/loopbacks
-as all of the structure of the metadata is created by the structuring of simple pointer translators, all filesystems can be made way simpler to implement as they no longer have to understand what the structure of the filesystem is. they don't have to traverse directory trees or anything. they just have to write data and commit it.


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Based, tell us morrr


Same. Sometimes I wish I was interested in more normal/popular things. But when I am in places with people who do it's still the same feeling.


I prefer writing to talking.


What are you writing? Grace-Alunya yuri?


Honestly, I'd like to read new one.


literally me fr


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>1&2: a directory points to a set of nodes that MUST be its children. meanwhile a symlink points to a single node that is not its child. these could be merged into a pointer that is 1:many, but non-local (not mandatory for the nodes to be its children)
I don't think there is any value in combining the concepts of symlinks and directories. Symlinks are a completely transparent means of making a file accessible under another path (except with some badly written programs). Directories in contrast need to explicitly provide their children as the list of directory entries and there is no sane way to open a directory-like data structure as a link without arguments like there is with symlinks. Obviously a single entry directory shouldn't be indistinguishable from a symlink.

Otherwise your proposal seems sound, in fact similar data structures have been suggested several times, to supersede the unix filesystem (https://web.archive.org/web/20021128194423/http://memetech.com/). Do you think an implementation of your particular design would be reasonably fast? While a log-structured "pointer store" should get good results on basic operations, searching any space of the filesystem seems like a complex endeavour.

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