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did you guys just shut it down? i guess ill post questions here

is it safe to drink alcohol togheter with some ketamine?


>did you guys just shut it down?

Do you think anyone here knows how to shut an entire website? If we did that, would like, the original makers of 420chan comment on that? Who is saying that /leftypol/ has, or can, shut anything down?


Its against the whole constitution of the website, as said in
>6) Direct calls to maliciously raid other communities may be removed at the moderators' decision. This includes raiding other imageboards and calls to brigade live-streamers. Leftypol is not your personal army.


It's not safe to drink alcohol.


we have nothing to do with 420chan being down, fred brennan is planning to reopen it 'by 2025' but until then he redirected it here because he likes our board and thinks it's funny


Most people who do ketamine mix it with alcohol, so its not a death potion, but yes, mixing increases the toxicity.

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