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File: 1718171807289.jpg (287.45 KB, 900x851, gooner bingo.jpg)


spent over 9000 hours making this bingo so pls respond


File: 1718172405280.png (458.97 KB, 900x851, ClipboardImage.png)


>dominant arm noticeable stronger.
We live in the computer era, who still masturbates with their dominant arm? I need my dominant arm for clicking stuff while I goon.


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>porn in public
Not really public public per se. Obviously not where someone could see the screen I don't know why you have masturbate in public in a different category. The incidents always involved both. I don't just sit and look at porn without gooning.
>5 porn stars
I feel like even a normie who doesn't watch porn could do that. There are some famous pornstars.
>Closed eye visuals
You stipulated often, definitely not often but I've had some weird experiences being half awake seeing sex visuals not quite a dream
>sex toy
Tried a fleshlight but only used it a couple times before going back to old faithful
>multi monitors
Yeah just because my setup is already multi monitor. I like to read hentai and watch live cams at the same time.
>Lost interest in real sex
That's such a bullshit myth. Everyone who goons is obviously interested in sex, but perhaps they're less motivated to jump through the 100 hoops the average man in a country without legal prostitution has to jump through to get it.


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Left handed people who use the mouse with their right hands?


File: 1718174279083.jpg (261.57 KB, 900x851, gooner bingo(1).jpg)

Since you asked so nicely
You can't be that inept with your off hand

>Has stealth masturbated in class

1 (one) time in middle school when i first started masturbating
>Has hurt their gentials
Im uncircumcised. One time while I was masturbating (this was also when I was in middle school) I moved my arm down fast which caused my foreskin to get pulled back really hard and fast and it bleed. Since then my foreskin has always "ended" near the end of my head as opposed to covering the whole thing.


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File: 1718174454734.gif (904.14 KB, 250x231, hmmmm.gif)


Biweekly means every other week, right?



>Left handed people who use the mouse with their right hands?
There are right handed and left handed mice.

>You can't be that inept with your off hand
And I have a right handed one as I am right handed. It's much easier to goon with your non dominant hand then to use a mouse with the wrong hand.


I don't think I have ever seen anyone actually using left handed mice. Every left-handed person that I know, myself included, use the mouse with the right hand.


I refuse to engage with anything that uses word "gooning". Its cooming, cooming, we already had word for that, get out of here with this zoomer lingo.


Gimp master race




words change get over it grandad


>wahhh muh ew kid kingo is pissing me off

As soon as you renounce your generational lingo we can talk


All right, reddit lingo. Better?


Again whats the real differemce ebetween imageboards and Reddit?
Reddit is an overused slur but whats the difference between here and Reddit?


Holy shit, this is depressing. Id rather think about climate change induced suicide than that much masturbation.


1. no upvotes or downvotes
2. no power trippy mods
3. no redneck gooner girlboss


imageboards are shit but reddit is useless by design


4. Can post images anywhere
5. More anonymity


imageboards have power tripping mods though.
Also most imageboards hae recycled inside jokes amd rely on screenshots of posts from other platforms


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can you post the porn you've commissioned or would the artist object? i'm curious to see it!


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File: 1718248880905.gif (1.84 MB, 640x346, 234235325.gif)

The internal shame I got from this image has impacted me more psychologically than any climate change or doomer thread on this site ever will


This pic of Haru from Persona 5 by artist ero_honey.
First and only time I've commissioned something and in all honesty I was way too shy to give proper feedback to the artist so I ended up not being 100% happy with the results (still gooned to it like 10 times tho)


Money well spent if you ask me.


Kill the priest in your head.


Not a single square


File: 1718313583409.mp4 (470.22 KB, 394x354, go home to your family.mp4)

>>544207 boooo

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