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was 4chan always like the unironic /pol/ack stuff it is today?
was told there was always ironic racism but was it always like full on /pol/?
wondered that /new/ really made the unironic stuff take over the site but i saw some denialism about it. is there a bit of truth to the denialism?


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not saying that it was wholesome plebbit big chungus, nor am I necessarily saying that it was always leftist. could've been apolitical too. 'ru comic is right in that regard, but what i was wondering is if it always had /pol/ack leakage and rhetoric like it does today


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Moot era 4chan was a website full of (partly ironic) homophobia and racism because it was made by and for 14-20 year old white suburban males. But it wasn't nearly as bad as it is today.
Then Hiroyuki (notable Ben Shapiro style rightoid in Japan) bought the website after it became a detriment to Moot's career ambitions in tech, and put basement nazi RapeApe (formerly just a global mod) in charge of the administration. Stormfront organized lots of raids to 4chan which Moot's administration often did something about, but RapeApe's administration instead turned the blind eye due to his ideological bias towards nazism (and monetary incentive, Hiroyuki has him on a paycheck). Also GamerGate and MAGA and shit. Now everything is transhumanist paranoia, talking about hobbies and messing around became impossible, everyone takes themselves too seriously and at this point is poisoned by /pol/ garbage (even anons that "oppose" it). Because of this, 4chan has been bleeding users for a while and bots are taking their place. It's a dead boat sailing towards nothingness, being milked dry while it is afloat.
I suspect 4chan will stick around much longer since the feds benefit from its existence but it'll keep losing cultural relevance and transitioning towards a hugbox asylum for mentally ill burgers


The internet in general was less politicised, it was le epic memes, forums and porn
Politics happened in blogs, then it started happening on social media, and so it went


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>was 4chan always like the unironic /pol/ack stuff it is today?
No, it got progressively more like this as internet neo-nazism got more popular and groups like stormfront actively engaged in campaigns to turn the site in that direction. There were always some nazis there, but in the same way that there used to be a wide range of other political ideologies.
>was told there was always ironic racism but was it always like full on /pol/?
No, and the "ironic racism" was often directly making fun of those kinds of people, see picrel.
>wondered that /new/ really made the unironic stuff take over the site but i saw some denialism about it. is there a bit of truth to the denialism?
It goes back further than that but basically yes through a combination of failure to moderate against active consensus cracking and moot stupidly deleting the board that contained these people (multiple times), their brainrot spread to the whole website and over time became dominant. Thanks to the insular culture and strong self-policing (contrary to the site's supposed ideals of free speech), once the neonazis became dominant their position became self-reinforcing.


it was ironic, but as we've all memorized: ironic [x] is still [x].


Most of 4chan unironically supported Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012. I'm of the opinion that while it wasn't /pol/tarded, it was inevitable that it'd become so.


>The Internet Hate Machine
<a hugbox asylum for mentally ill burgers
And it's a honeypot filled with bots too. A downgrade if i ever saw one

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