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"No chin, no right to speak."
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post chinlet



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oh yeah, forgot the nostrils smh


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What are the most chinlet-defining features?
>tensed up forehead
>looks as if he is on the verge of a stroke
>square rim glasses
>weird lips


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you forgot
>defined overbite


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>prominent nasolabial folds from constantly sneering/grimacing
>chin bump from frowning all the time
>droopy eyes with eye bags
>lack of jawline in general
>popping veins and platysma band(s)


Why are defining chinlets by their genetic and phisiological characteristics? This is just going to hurt leftis who look like this, and ontop of it, are we not above eugenics?


>genetic characteristics
All of those >>544108 are influenced by habitual facial expressions and posture.
Most of those >>544017 aren't genetic either (and the chin part may also be influenced by environment/habits if you believe some of the research and/or people like Mew). Lack of chin also often as not has to do with neck posture and body fat on the neck.


Firstly. Thanks for the info, some of this I didn't know so I appreciate it!
Secondly, m point still stands, do we have to insult people for their physical apperance, are we not better than this? What happenes if a chinlet realises he is wrong and stops being an internet nazi? Must we still insult him for things he did not know as a teenager? Do we have to do this to people?


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>do we have to insult people for their physical apperance, are we not better than this?
Given that the whole übermensch thing is a core part of their ideology, no, we're not "better than this." It's actually pretty relevant as a criticism (as dumb as that reality is).
>What happenes if a chinlet realises he is wrong and stops being an internet nazi?
They they'll stop seething all the time and maybe take care of themselves and develop a more pleasant appearance.
>Must we still insult him for things he did not know as a teenager?
What does that have to do with appearance?
And yeah the main thing to oppose these people for is what they believe and want to do. The issue isn't being ignorant as a teenager but staying ignorant as an adult.
>Do we have to do this to people?
Do what? Humiliate internet nazis? Anything that makes them less effective is good.


>Given that the whole übermensch thing is a core part of their ideology, no, we're not "better than this." It's actually pretty relevant as a criticism (as dumb as that reality is).
But all this is going to do is hurt people on the left who look like this, I have black hair and sometimes wear glasses. I am not someone who believes in this, yet all of these shitty memes look like me. In doing this, you're not going to hurt them you are hurting someone on your side!
>They they'll stop seething all the time and maybe take care of themselves and develop a more pleasant appearance.
They aren't going to undo their shit chin, I can't change my hair or eye colour, all you are doing is going to make them and me feel like shit for things that we can't cotnro, regardless of how much effort I put in, I sitll have black hair and wear glasses.
>And yeah the main thing to oppose these people for is what they believe and want to do. The issue isn't being ignorant as a teenager but staying ignorant as an adult.
This isn't going to stop them, its going to galvanize them and hurt others who didn't ask to have body dysmorphia. You are just going to hurt people on the left, do you want to hurt your friends and comrades? Perhaps if chinlet had expensive jaw surger in his childhood he wouldn't be ugly right?
>Do what? Humiliate internet nazis? Anything that makes them less effective is good.
I am getting overly emotional at your post, its not going to stop them it is just going to hurt me and people like me, you ar ejust making me upset you're not hurting internet nazis. Aren't we better than this, I thought we were better than the right.


Sorry. I am not some emotionally unstable. I have really bad body dsmorphia, and seeing these posts makes me want to hurt myself. I wish we didn't play the same game as internet nazis. We are better than them, can we act like it and not resort to saying their ugly lol, as a way to discredit them? I mean they're nazis, they're already following an 80 year old loser ideology, do we have to hurt people on our side to discredit them?


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If these images are triggering to you because of some body issue, you need to take measures about it on a personal level. There are probably better ways to address this issue than frowning on another's behavior: realizing that caricature doesn't pertain to you and all that mockery is more about their repulsive worldview and less about their physical appearance. Their physical appearance is relative, not absolute, and only ties up what we deduce from them.


Anon, I can't in good confidence trust you are telling me the truth.
I can't trust that you all don't mean people who look like this and not their abhorant belifes. I can't trust you don't just hate ugly people. It hurts alot seeing this thread it hurts and makes me want to die. I know its on me, but I wish we didn't need to play the same games as the right.


Forst off, regardless if the nazi in question is young, that doesnt excuse their "ignorance."
Also alot of "Nazi" is an overused slur thrown around.

I also dont like cringe compilations made of either side as it does feed trolls.


People love indignation.
The left and right both rely on it for their power.
They dont care about making amends.

Look at the majority of threads on here talking about "CLASS WAR, KILL LANDLORDS" or "GO ON STRIKE AGAINST (INSERT IRRELVANT BOOMER HERE)".

Lookism is the most prominent in politics and philsophy.
You would ironically find more sincerity in cosmetics.


Why? Why do we have to judge others based on looks, based on genetics? The people who have been the nicest to me have all been "ugly" why must we focus on such usless characterisitics? Why can't we just destory them without using the weapon of the enemy? What do you mean I would find more sincerity in cosmentics? I am curious


is dwight from the office a chinlet


i mean that in cosmetics, people there are more sincere.
Intellectual circles, people arent.

I find that people care more about aestgetics than actual subtsance. And the biggest cultprits are politics amd philsophy.

Also, humams are still plagued by thier primal urges for mating which manofests as lookism which is manifested in art and politics


>Imean that in cosmetics, people there are more sincere. Intellectual circles; people arent.

I hate this, I hate reading it and seeing it but I think its true.

>I find that people care more about aestgetics than actual subtsance. And the biggest cultprits are politics amd philsophy.

>Also, humams are still plagued by thier primal urges for mating which manofests as lookism which is manifested in art and politics
Why? Why must we be like this? Why can't we just judge someone's worth on their personality and not their looks? Why do we care so much about GENETICSS? Why am I trapped in this body…


SÈX with poljak


>I hate incel shit
>Agrees with incel shit
Many such cases


I agree with you. All this sick scrutiny makes them no different from the /pol/acks they criticize so much. And I assure you, those who scrutinize the appearance of others in this way, like the guys you quoted, even if it is just about a caricature, aren't as of sound mind and body as you might think: they are extremely inflexible, terminally online, constantly a headache, and do have their body insecurities too. But I wouldn't try to convince the lookists or people from /leftypol/ otherwise, for the reasons I've already mentioned.
Just… just give yourself some time, take a break from this type of content by ignoring or leaving this board for a while. You're suffering. You are more beautiful than you think you are, not only in terms of body, but also in terms of soul.
Sorry for the late response.


>All this sick scrutiny makes them no different from the /pol/acks they criticize so much.
You can take issue with people picking on someone's shitty appearance (focusing on factors that aren't genetic btw) without saying it's "no different" than thinking the holocaust was good. The crux of the poljak image is not so much the physical features as the vibe it gives off, of somebody who's eternally mad and disgusted because they totally misdirect their antipathies.

The original drawing was based on actual rightoid mass shooters who had an uncannily similar vibe and appearance. If you want to interrogate the caricature as problematic for being "lookist" that's fine. Treating it like it in any way compares to the things done by the people it's reflecting is ridiculous. Don't call anybody else terminally online if you are making that kind of comparison.


Humans are not above the animals.

We have all been duped by the power of abstractive thinking.
We gloat on our intellectual function so much we use it as a morality license.

We only love science as the end product, never as a means. The motive behind science and education is always about making and earning goodies.
Humans love to whine about materialism ( both the agnostic mindfilter and the biblical sin) but yet are still inclined to it in their darkest depth of fibre.


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>The motive behind science and education is always about making and earning goodies.


Even commumism has become like that.
In fact I think most leftists nowadays are lite-socialists or more collectivist-liberals. Communism could never work.

Most leftist takes on here have "'gibsmedat"' slapped all over them.

>under socialism, state assigned wives

>under socialism, five hour workweek
>under socialism, extended chilhood
>under socialism, kill any naysayers aa they may be rightist

Its very similar if not the same as the alt-right


Its bc the people on this site specifically are anti-social NEETs, like all other imageboards
Class position informs politics


In Capital marx makes the point that it was specifically industrialists who produce innovations in technology by the profit motive by investing in research. Same thing id true today where the biggest innovators in mechanics are the military


>Same thing id true today where the biggest innovators in mechanics are the military

Isnt this more like an america thing?


America is the centre of the world so it all trickles down, like how china uses american patents for industry


Even the internet for example is an american military technology that the world now uses


TBH I feel conflicted about this stuff too.
Anyhow, here are some former chinlets which are slightly more positive.


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She transitioned!


have a chinlet friend i know from uni days
not particularly attractive, but has personality that is like a warm shower, then into a cold bed on a rainey night
don't think he would pass, but if he gave up the racisim, i would marry him and make him my wife in a heartbeat



>but has personality that is like a warm shower, then into a cold bed on a rainey night


The second and third pictures are insanely cute, what the hell


Poljack is funny not because he's ugly but because he makes nazis seethe immensely, to this day. The real life inspiration for him doesn't even look that ugly (see: the pic he's on his trial). He's iconic and instantly recognizable as a meme, you can't turn back time.


Oops, quoted on accident


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My mom look exactly like this i shit you not


Is your mom single?


How wealthy is your dad?


I kinda have to agree with you.
Shitlibs in the west love dunking on things you cannot control. Especially when it comes to men.
Yet you dare not mock obese people, despite it being something mostly in their control.


I'm a shitlib and mock fat people all the time.


I hate how much I like seeing the chinlet happy


This is kinda true.
Society mocks people for things beyond ones control like natural dis-talent, crooked teeth, freckles, being young, being old, etc.

But things that are changeable are off limits for teasing or are not as permitted.
Like ones spousal choice, or their fashion sense, or their job type, etc.

Our modern society thinks natal composition shouldnt be ones identity. But temporary acquirements are supposed to be.


believing people are mostly in control of their own lives is not particularly materialist.
like, you've put job choice there: your choice of career is almost never made freely, it is made in a situation of permanent, intentional mass unemployment. if someone works a low wage, low status job it's not because they simply failed to choose a better one. the system as a whole depends on someone being in that position.


Im not a shitlib and I encourage people to bully fat or incel rightoids.


yea thats another problem. The idea of self made men.

The idea that free will is is transcendant of natural selection.


Yup, people love to quote Marx's "social being determines consciousness" to feel smart without realizing what it means and that it applies to their own politics too, lol.


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Fat people should be bullied 100%



>Zero empathy is helluva drug


Bullying isn't about pushing the bullied to change the way of life of the bullied. It's just one iteration of scapegoating, the strenghtening of the community bonds at the expense of a small part of said community.


It seems more likely that contemporary western society is practicing fascism in a liberal sense. It resembles a support for eugenics.


Why did Marx discuss the concept of the lumpenproletariat? He distinguished them from the proletariat.


Doesn’t work, can lead a horse to water but can’t make it drink
Both supportive and abusive ways don’t work
Most fat people need therapy, their obesity is a symptom of underlying issues.


I think its extremely wholesome to see angry young men leave behind their reactionary beliefs, and become happy socialist women.


Empathy is for children who have no choice in the matter and adults who physically are unable to exercise. It's not for fat fucks who do nothing to even *attempt* to deal with their personal situation. Can you attempt it and fail? Sure. Try something different. But if you're just going to wallow in self-hatred, have no self control, etc all you deserve is contempt.

>comparing choosing your job to choosing whether you weigh 500 lbs

This is pure cope, and a vulgar mechanistic caricature of Marxism. Of course our choices are never made *fully* freely, they are determined by a whole host of socioeconomic factors, like race, sex, CLASS, etc. However, the key thing is *fully*. You're acting as if there isn't some level of choice even within the situations we find ourselves in, and using this to draw a totally false analogy between being a lardass and getting a job. You can choose at any time to stop shoveling chips in your throat. You cannot chose to not work if you don't want to die on the street.

>>548038 raises the lumpenproletariat, which is a good point. There is a lumpenproletariat owing to the contradictions of capitalist society, and by and large the lumpenproletariat are human garbage who will never amount to anything but as shock troops for fascist movements, criminals preying on workers, useless drug addicts, etc. Doesn't mean some of them can't get out of the lumpen lifestyle and become useful and productive members of the working class. But it requires a *conscious effort* on their part and the part of revolutionaries to raise them to that level: not justify their socially harmful and demoralizing position. You have to give a shit about yourself and the working class has to give a shit about itself if it's going to raise itself to a class that can rule. No organization that tolerates lumpenism in its ranks has ever made a revolution, ever.

No, they need to have a reason to not be fat. Mine was that I wanted to get laid and was sick of being alone. I keep it up now cause I want to be useful for defending myself/my comrades.


did you read it at least?

tldr lumpens are lumpens because they dont associate with each other or with regular proles so because of that they dont have a tendency to organize collectively against capital, ergo they have no revolutionary potential. its that simple

>lumpen as a moral judgement
<This is pure cope, and a vulgar mechanistic caricature of Marxism


look at all these people ~choosing~ to be unhealthy. what's happening here is definitely a mass outbrek of ~bad choices~, that's the materialist explanation for this phenomenon.


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🎨: Roverdosing


He shouldn't have to transition to be happy.


are they roommates?

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