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You will live to see leftism in your time.
You will be around to see people become more aware of class.
You will make leftist friends, ho don't care about your looks, race, gender and just want to be friends with you.
You will live to see a more fair, and more utopian society.
You are going to be around when Capitalism crumbles, and most people will accept working together,
There is not going to be a fascist uprising.
The future is very bright, and you will live to see it all.
Then after much time, you will die surrounded by your loved-ones.
You will move on from this coil, approaching 100 knowing that the world is in a better state, and people will miss you.
Things seem dark, but they will not be this way forever. You are going to see things get better.


Dig the sentiment, a bit optimistic, but id rather this energy than all the doomer bullshit. Honestly, if I live to see any sort of visible class consciousness in my workplace I'll be happy enough.


you will live to see a thing people refer to as "leftism" but isn't actually leftism


You will be there to see actual leftism, not some cut-down, low-fat leftism, you will see the real deal in time.


mom can i have some uuhh laosian leftism with a bit of anarchism sprinkled in today


mom can i have some uuhh laosian leftism with a bit of anarchism sprinkled in today


>You will live to see a more fair, and more utopian society.
I don't wanna live in a utopian society, sounds really boring.


>Then after much time, you will die surrounded by your loved-ones.
>You will move on from this coil, approaching 100
That's not good enough. If I die of old age before extended longevity is discovered I will consider myself to be living in the bad timeline. It will only be utopian if I get to live for millions of years in a post-work post-suffering democratic socialist vegan hedonistic-transhumanist utopia a la the culture. If mortality, work, and pain still exist then I will consider the future to either be doomed or to not yet have occurred.


i will live to see it all

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