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"No chin, no right to speak."
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i am very tired
your lefticles aren't bad people
but fuck you rely on books and shit to much
i hope you get what you wan hust pleas promise me one thin olease be patient with autistic peole like me
i am hoing to bed goodnight
look at this orange haha


I find it quite funny that people seems to like and engage more with my AI generated replies than my own thoughts. If someone makes a question, i just put in character AI for someone like Lenin or Marx to respond, is much easier to interact with people in here like this.


good night, autistic brother from another mother. That is a voluptuous orange


AI generated responses will always lack the authenticity, nuance and emotion that human interactions possess. While such bots might appear efficient, they fail to capture the depth and richness of human discourse. The true value of conversations lies in genuine connection, empathy and spontaneity, elements that even the most sophisticated AI cannot replicate.

generated with character ai


you made me chuckle


I don't read actually.


I chatted with the Marx AI and it kept getting basic marxism wrong lol.


It feels like those "communist AIs" talk exactly like pink liberals, be it Lenin, Marx or Stalin.


yeah cuz 99% of those ais have very basic training. i doubt someone loaded all marxists.org library onto them lmao


i talked to a marx ai and he accused me of being a furry and started treating me like a dog. i also did a group ai chat with stalin and "fat sonic" and fat sonic convinced stalin communism was evil.


>but fuck you rely on books and shit to much
Actually it's you who reads too little

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