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Having a pet is so awesome. Non pet-owners don't know what they're missing. How sad to live in a world of millions of species and you never get to interact with any of them outside of pests to be exterminated.

Everyone needs a familiar.


Dogs are awful and should only be used for work. Total Dog Nutter Death.


I think livestock are the best pets


I had hamsters as a kid. Once they decided to make a spot in their house their toilet. When i cleaned their cage and lifted the house there was a seeping piss pit with maggots.


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It's not a bad system. Have fun with them when they're cute cuddly little babies, then have no qualms slaughtering them when they turn into literally satan.


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only bad thing about having pets is that they eventually die, and it's awful

Dogs are awesome and should only be treated kindly. Total Anti Dog Nutter Death.

i wish i had a pet goat

sociopaths like these are impossible to rehabilitate. They should work permanently in the gulag


Goats are the most cute things ever


I like dogs, but I'm getting fed up with rich dog owners, especially since dog ownership became a meme after covid, you can't go anywhere in a city without almost stamping on one of their little fuckers and they dont give a fuck and start fuming and getting aggressive if their toy dogs aren't allowed in the shop. they all also look horribly inbred and unhealthy. and thats just starting with the owners


Carnist Chads can't stop winning


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Goats are the GOAT.


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> How sad to live in a world of millions of species and you never get to interact with any of them outside of pests to be exterminated.
So it's either dominate or exterminate? You know you can just let them be? Or admire them from afar? Go outside and watch some birds. You don't need to own them to like them.


Used to have a cat, lived a full, longer than statistical average life. Deeply positive influence on my life. Even tought me to be thorough with my meals and not leave any edible solids or sauces remaining if I can feasably clear it.


Winning free heart attacks


what goat is the goat goat?


>Chihuahuas running loose in Maryvale, Phoenix, Arizona according to Maricopa County Animal Care and Control:


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I would have a pet, but 2 problems:
1. Too much maintenance & poop
2. Backyard can't be completely fenced, so no place to let dog out.
The best pet to have is a virtual pet & Alunya


>letting dogs in stores
Who does that? that is impracticable.


I want a dog so bad, but I am too much of a slob and incredibly lazy. I'm afraid the dog will live in filth and be neglected. Does owning a pet fix some of your bad habits or should I give up.


Lots of people have service animals, usually dogs. Some people actually have a good reason for it like blindness or the dog smelling when they're about to have some kind of episode. They are surprisingly good at detecting a lot of things. Some dogs can even recognize when a person is going to have an epileptic seizure (we don't know how yet). Some people use this real and useful thing as a cover to take their pet everywhere with them since tiktok made a lot of people aware of the loophole for service animals and they abuse it.


I had a cat but it died and I was sad, so I don't want to go through that again lest I become a desensitized psycho that treats animals like commodities



>I think livestock are the best pets
Why anon?


It's easier to milk a goat than a dog


tbh that's only part of it: it's common even in countries like the UK where there's less of a service-animal culture, or where "no dogs except guide dogs" was a common sign in the past.

i think there's two other reasons, one more US specific than the other:
1. in America landlords are allowed a no-pets policy, but they have to allow service animals to comply with anti-discrimination law. having a pet probably does marginally help with your depression, and everyone's depressed, so why not get your therapist to sign the waiver saying fido gets to come with you to the only apartment in your price range? …but then once he's a certified service animal, why not take him anywhere you like? especially in cases like airplanes, where it's not unheard of for someone to fuck up and put the dog carrier in the unpressurized hold.
2. for regular businesses, rather than odd cases like airlines, you're looking at freefall in the number of people who go to the town center relative to even say 2005. nobody goes there shopping anymore when they can get the same shit cheaper on amazon. nobody goes to local government offices when they can do stuff by e-mail. side effect: fewer people go to secondary services like cafes because they're not already in the area for some other reason, they're at home and can eat there.
but you know who's always outside? dog walkers. you know a good trick to increase foot traffic in your business? ditch the "only service animals" requirement and just let dog walkers take their dog inside. they do just happen to be in the area…


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>It's easier to milk a goat than a dog


Parrots are the best and funniest.

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