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The thinking man's candy


the little one with the sprinkles is nice but all the other garbage


Did a woman write this? Are you a woman because you have women opinions.


>Did a woman write this? Are you a woman because you have women opinions.

Keep this discourse up and we shall save the west from falling, together! <3


You even reply like a woman; overly sappy but with enough of the "thing" to be relevant you type and write like a woman does I want you to know this whoever you are.


UwU i am a woman, just doing woman things, UwU


Drop that flag and I'll call you a pretty girl.


Just a woman boss conquering her empire.
I just said "its woman time" and womaned all over the place!


Good girl, we don't like nazis here. Now be the pretty little doll I know you are and find a better use of your time then here.




English is probably not even their first language. Unlike you angloids who barely speak english.


this is what a WO MAN would say, though? Are you a WO HUMAN? Your thoughts, the way they act, the way you write, all indicate the WOMAN character inside you!
You talk about things, and are very relevant. All signs of WO MEN behavior?!?!



Idek what this.
Some kind of figgy treat?


Licorice all sorts. The thinking man's candy.





I prefer salty licorice over this.


Grandad sweets. Back when everything sweeter was rationed and unavailable.


the STINKING man's candy

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