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I made the mistake of reading Japanese comments on an article about a Korean tourist's experience in Japan. That there are people that would write that kind of vile shit in 2024 makes me actually want to cry. I shit you not, it's worse than /pol/, it's like how black people were talked about in America in the 19th century by the most hardcore racists of the time. 19th fucking century.

What the fuck man. And this Korean person was actually praising Japan, didn't even say anything that would provoke the commenters.


I work with Koreans and they're actually friendly as fuck once you get to know them otherwise they mostly keep to themselves.


i don't believe you. why didn't you post screenshots or links?


I can't screenshot. I can't bear to read that shit again. You've been warned.


Translation is pretty shitty, but to me it doesn’t seem that bad? Or I guess I have just become desensitised to this cancer.


It will make more sense after you watch this. South Korea is a more extreme version of what is wrong in Japan and China apparently and tthey are having their own GamerGate garbage going on but way worse. The country is oddly sexist and hierarchal. Though this isnt the whole reason of course since there is a long history between Japan and Korea.


"Koreans are experimental animals created by the US and Japan", "Smelling the feces of Koreans is a human rights violation", "Just because they understand language doesn't make their brains human (or something like that)", "Koreans are so dumb they must use phonetic spelling and can't even learn 2000 kanji"


>The country is oddly sexist and hierarchal
its because of the confucian culture, women are seen as inferior to men and older people are to be deferred to, its also very homogenous society so the monoculture has a suffocating effect, even in china they couldnt get rid of confucian influence entirely.


I think that's a right wing website. Perhaps run by some self loathing korean-japanese person. The description of their twitter account reads "I am the administrator of Kaikai. I run a Korea-related blog, YouTube, and BBS. I will write about personal things here. Please make friends with me!" but their profile picture has a little cartoon of them wearing a t-shirt with the japanese imperial flag on it. The comments from the link you posted were on an article that was reporting on a thread on some other website, in which a korean guy was complaining about how japanese public infrastructure is better than korean one and how there is not as sharp a divide between rich and poor in Japan.

Other articles on that site include for example:
"Korean: "Characteristics of the Japanese far-right that you misunderstand."
"Korean: "Why Korea is a funny country compared to Europe, the U.S., and Japan."
"Korean: "Seoul's closure rate is too high…"

Given that, the horrible comments aren't so surprising. The site is a gathering place for racists, like project veritas or breitbart or stormfront or whatever. How did you find that site? And why did you post it here without doing more surface level reserach yourself? Are you trying to incite some shit?


>How did you find that site?
The article was linked from here, in the "related" section
I was just researching anime tropes man.


uh-huh. right. well be careful. racists (concious and unconcious) take advantage of threads like this to start dumb discussions and try to caracterize entire ethnicities and/or nationalities in some or another way based on limited anecdotes and narrow observations (like the comment section of a right wing website).


If you think that's harsh, you should read what Europeans have to say about each other.


Okay, I apologize if I've made a mistake.


or about roma people, or jews, or slavs, or muslims, or indians, or literally anyone who isnt an inbred habsburg looking deformity


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kill everyone except me


So why are the Japanese punching down if they're so superior??


>So why are the Japanese punching down if they're so superior??
That's what racial chauvinists do all the time. I'm pretty sure any country with a violent history of racial supremacy and imperialism engages in hate against their victims to reduce feelings of guilt for them, as retarded and evil as that may sound.


Lmaoing as a Korean who is currently vacationing in Japan. Every time I start to like Japs, I'm reminded of their bullshit.
쪽발이 motherfuckers

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