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>I love life

If you say this you're bourgeois


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>To be a revolutionary you have to be a doomfag


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its true though


Was a beautiful day outside. Nice to finally get some warm weather in the UK :)


Whedonism is bourg, OP.


Sorry OP. I see trees of green and red roses too. I'm well aware of the causes of my depression. It's not some demon that started haunting me, it's because the Capitalist mode of production has made my life hell.



I am not the op, but half of me wants to butcher you and hear you scream and the other half wants to cling to you and ask you to help me fight my demons.


urggh i hate my stupid chvd life


Nechaev said so https://www.marxists.org/subject/anarchism/nechayev/catechism.htm
Is this meant to be an ironic juxtaposition


Maybe neither this nor the opposite are attributable to only the bourgeois or the proletariat.


to be revolutionary is to fight for life itself


True, but life atm sucks


you, too, can love life if you try mescaline.


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Socialism is when you hate your life, and it's more socialist the more your life sucks, and if you wanna die, it's communism.


I'm like the second coming of Karl Marx.


most tragic refractory period in history!


I mean, "nothing to lose but out chains", right? Happy people are contend people.


depressed retards are no better tbh


They are though. People who are happy the way things are do not want to change the way things are. People who arent happy dont necessary turn into revolutionary subjects, but to want to change the world, you cant be satisfied with its current state.


Yes, lot of disgruntled people whine, lot of them cling to the old ways in desperate attempt to gains some sense of security, and also, lot of them recognize this world has no place for them and the only way out is changing it.
Like I dont get what are you trying to argue here, people dont become political extremists when everything is going great for them. Who do you think is going to be more radical, some trans support group full of gorillahons or a suburban housewife literature club?


You don't have to be happy with the way things currently are to be happy with life in general. I find the strive towards a better world to be mentally, spiritually and physically enriching. While I would certainly be happier at a point in which further progress has already been made, it doesn't spoil my overall outlook to see a long road ahead. I find joy knowing I'm helping provide the yougins those better circumstances.


I disagree. Life is an adventure, and a truly great adventure has setbacks, has heartbreaks, has enemies, in short, has sorrows big and small.

The bourgeois are sheltered from all this. They live life on easy mode and as such never truly live.


I mean radical in a non-reactionary way, making a crusade against swearing in music falls within "cling to the old ways in desperate attempt to gains some sense of security".

Thats great and all, but do you feel like you are representative of leftists in general? Not to mention, delusions, even positive ones, are harmful for political movements.


I'm gonna make Marx look like a fucking capitalist


>do you feel like you are representative of leftists in general?
Never said anything even approximate to that. In fact what I said isn't even specific to leftism, it's just not having maladaptive thought patterns.
>Not to mention, delusions, even positive ones, are harmful for political movements.
>If a thought doesn't make you a doomer wrecker then it's a delusion.
This is a materialist board. Meds unironically.


Adaptation to what exactly?


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sublate =/= negate


Would Marx have done crypto daytrading?


He would have if it was gonna make him money


Good question, but it's a bit more broad than that, here's a weirdly blurry scan of an infographic explaining it.

Basically, adaptive behaviors are useful and constructive, maladaptive behaviors aren't.


neither do doomer retards who are to depressed to do anything or those who only pretend to be sad for attention


When you kill animals you try to do it as fast and precise as possible so the animal doesnt suffer needlessly. This is how you respect your prey.


>muh anglos determine everything
Great race theory?


And now think about which patterns of thought and behaviour are usefull in society. If around you see cruelty you are powerless to stop, indifference is addaptive. If rebelion is punished, conservativism is adaptive. If your consciousness wriths in agony from being forced to focus of meaningless repetitive work for the benefit of nobody but your boss, supressing all though and turning yourself into biological automaton is adaptive. If you want to crawl up socio-economic ladder, becoming immoral psychopath is adaptive. Becoming less human is an adaption to inhuman society.


Agreed, but with the foot note that conservativism is still a maladaptive response to being punished for rebellion, the adaptive, and probably way more common response is learning to not get caught.

Also multiple behaviors can be adaptive, but some behaviors are far more construcive and therefore more adaptive than others. We have a whole buffet of working theories and provably effective praxis based on them to choose from. While I agree that some people have been fully checkmated and can't do much–I have family in such circumstances–the vast majority still have a lot they can do if you just get the knowledge of those praxis(es? i? Idk the plural) in their heads.


Capital: A Glazing of Political Economy


I fucking hate it when white people say this


Doomer retards are just inverted idealists.

Theres no such thing as cynics.
Most "cynics" are just negative idealists.

I used to go on 8chan /doomer/ board.
All hey do is whine and bich and moan about unfullfilled childhood misadventures and how life sucks because they didnt get the pure waifu they want.

Politics is just mommy amd daddy issues nowadays.

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