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File: 1718552077698-0.jpg (229.73 KB, 772x755, american town.jpg)

File: 1718552077698-1.jpg (263.34 KB, 772x755, chinese town.jpg)

File: 1718552077698-2.png (25.96 KB, 720x1280, china vs us towns.png)


>huge wealth gaps between neighborhoods (poor houses, rich houses)
>land usage is heavily inefficient (big backyards, parking lots, etc.)
>not enough apartment buildings or space to build them
>farmland is individually owned by high tech bourgeoisie farmers

Would it be easier if we just bulldozed everything and just rebuild?


Are American farmers considered bourgeois? I thought most of them were in deep debt due to land and equipment costs and are basically indentured to corporations


Most of them are middle class or upper-middle class.
They all have college degrees in agriculture and most of them have nice houses and big families.


Most of it is owned by Bill Gates.


most farmers are petty boug or pmcs who oversee other workers whether you're in europe or in amerikkka. not that they cant be like them based communist confucian dengists who post on leftypol.org, but they're usually directed towards reactionary causes as a pressure valve for the material issues they feel

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