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im here to rant
i have noticed the sheer amount of litter is the more recent nowadays. as an afab it also pisses me off when the streets are littered with PISS bottles. like i dont get why men dont fucking have respect. maybe its where i live right now thats an issue because its ghetto and even black people call it that. but holy shit in general theres so much litter. i wanna maybe make a correlation to the economy and the amount of discarded trash but its just a theory. i think a lot also has to do with people that are struggling mentally and homeless but also the street trash cans are always so full. a solution would be more punishments that involve community service and cleaning or dealing with trash. win for the city and win for the person by staying out of jail/fines. any other solutions are appreciated


>a solution would be more punishments that involve community service

or how about we actually have public restrooms? reactionary


Broken glass everywhere, people pissing on the stairs, you know they just don't care.


Not pissing wherever you want is fascist


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>PISS bottles
as a gardener all the piss going to waste makes me sad. all that sweet sweet nitrogen could be used to grow my plants or break down my compost.


There's colors on the street
Red, white and blue
People shufflin' their feet
People sleepin' in their shoes


This is why we need to stop promoting ghettofab culture.

Also its not just the men. The women are ratchet and loud as well.

What we should do is mandatory community service in spring semester for secondary school (sixth through twelfth grade).
As in, March through early June, kids will have to do cleanup from 8 am to 2 pm Monday thru Thursday.
(In exchange, they get no school on Fridays)



For highways there are rest stops. For the city i live in we have a untimed public bathroom set up in parks but it does require a phone so accessibility is questionable. The phone qr code is for liability and is not friendly for homeless populations. The smithsonains do have free bathrooms and free admission as well as air conditioning. For other locations I suggest libraries. Any sector of public service should have bathrooms for free and there are none so far that i know here that charge. also public transportation the subways have customer bathrooms which require just asking the always there station manager for them to unlock it. For bathing, truck stops or homeless shelters if you dont or cant wait till home.


Well there you go, you admit accessibility is not good. There's your problem. Of course there is some genuine antisocial behaviour that has to be tackled but you should always approach the social causes first.


I agree about the mandatory community service. my school required it before graduation, there is even national honor society which has a set number of hours needed to be in it. This is us based. I agree about anyone just not being respectful. I mean i work in the public and i see man women children black white mixed you know everyone and its just not even an ounce of kindness from half the people and just hear yelling and shouting and now that weed is being cut with shit we got a bunch of white bums addicted to fent and just about dying on the streets everyday


Yes, this is the issue, not because of property relations that encourages mindless waste and anti-social behavior.


>leftist goes to a black neighborhood first time
This is how you become a /pol/ convert.


Sounds like we never left the 1980s/90s.

Yea everyone likes to blame kids for being out of line but overlook the more common atrocities committed by adults.

But its not even just that.
The real problem in the ghettos is that everyone is poisoned by the Protestant ideal of "suffering is a virtue."

Everyone brags about all the bad shit they went through or crimes they committed and how they "reformed/adapted".

People in ghettos speak like theyre motivational speakers.
If you grow up in a black household you know that tone of voice tht black women use, that lecturing voice with alot of fancy vocabulary.

Then you have the white ghettobros who talk in that typical "impressionable white guy who listened to soul/hip-hop".

Or the church philosophers. Ya know they know a bit about some intellectual stuff but they throw in too much Protestant or Yankee negro Islamic references.

Its all very annoying.

Its both.
The infrastructural plan created that lumpen-bourgeoise culture.


Irony is, alot of pol/ converts lived in ghetto conditions


The problem is there's nowhere to throw the trash, a lack of public trash cans, so you have to hold onto your trash until you get somewhere that has them if you don't want to litter. It's a very NIMBY kind of problem where they think it looks bad to have trashcans every 100 meters along sidewalks but they'll just complain and do nothing about wrappers and broken bottles every meter.

>Not pissing wherever you want is fascist
t. french


i'm not a frenchoid, this is just common sense. not pissing in public is fascist and possibly bourgeois as well. it's a law/custom designed to stifle a harmless expression of one's body, and it's the sole contributor to the price gouging of public bathroom spots


Pissing in public makes everything smell like piss and isn't hygeni

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