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What did Beast mean by this




He's building productive forces in Africa




Working toward industrializing Afrikkka.


Settler colonialism




I am sure the african people are furious that they are getting healthcare, education and jobs from the Chinese. They must be going out in the streets to protest against such immoral act. Good thing countries like France, Britain and the US are there to really lend a hand to those oppressed people :)




Primitive socialist accumulation.


le wholesome civilizing mission with Chinese characteristics


A full year of what job?


>Last month, Lu Ke, a Chinese vlogger, was convicted in Malawi of 14 charges including child trafficking and procurement of children for use of entertainment, and ordered to leave the country. He was arrested last year after a BBC Africa Eye documentary exposed him as the creator of videos featuring Malawian children, which were being sold on Chinese social media for up to £55. Lu had coached the children to recite messages in Mandarin that they didn’t understand, such as: “I am black monster, my autism score is low.”


ehm… material conditions?


Direct cash transfers to the global poor is one of the most effective interventions in development economics. Givedirectly is an organization that has done incredible work to improve the material well-being of tens of thousands of people.


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>tankies when they learn the IMF does debt cancellation


Imageboard janitor.


Content guys are fucking psychos


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IMF does debt cancellation on condition you privatize, deregulate, grow the crops they want you to grow, let them own your infrastructure and natural resources, etc. There's always strings attached. The Chinese are presently playing a counter-hegemonic role by bailing third world countries out of their IMF debts by giving them ZERO PERCENT INTEREST loans and THEN forgiving the loans. That's the difference. It's actually quite similar to how the USSR under Stalin gave the PRC loans. Nobody calls stalin imperialist for giving the PRC loans.


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Stalin was the most imperialist man that ever existed, look how much land he got from small nations! Blocking the path of liberal capitalist democracy in Europe, very sad :(


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You are being extremely pathetic in your argument, just posting infographics and memes as if those will make you correct. It's a sort of ecclectic denial of material reality. China owns the plurality of oil in South Sudan and brings in their own workers to work on the plants. They are extracting material wealth from the country whilst keeping it divided (along with the CIA) by funding constant civil wars. Are you going to deny this? How is this not imperialism? I think we can agree that the Chinese economy is advanced capitalist. Therefore, the imperialist bourgeois in China will inevitably try to export their finance capital. So, the actions which look like imperialism, conducted by imperialist, and require a lot of roundabout thinking to justify as not imperialism… is that imperialism? As Marxists we're meant to be looking at material reality, not at what we want material reality to look like. It's ridiculous to say that the infrastructure projects China is conducting are 'no strings attached'. This is pure idealism, nothing on a governmental scale is 'no strings attached'. Perhaps the simple answer that they want to build railways to extract minerals quicker, rather than to abstractly benefit the population, is the right one. In line with imperialism, the workers and peasants aren't benefiting from this in any meaningful way. I despise you for supporting blatant imperialism like this, bourgeois dog. The only reason why you shouldn't be beaten to death is because you act so much like a child that I think killing you would be too much like hurting a disabled person for things they aren't in control of. I talked to someone from Eritrea and he spoke EXACTLY about how China was working as an imperialist power to take over the country, importing workers, keeping the nation undeveloped and not giving anything but 'philanphropy' to the people. You disgusting imperialist, your tongue should be removed for using Comrade Stalin as a shield. Every colonialist deserves torture, and you are no exception, you pig.


This is a very interesting post because the contend is completely at odds with writing style of an unhinged multipolarist.


oh no people are mining minerals, working on plants and building railways, how tragic.


>oh no people are mining minerals, working on plants and building railways, how tragic.


>if i repost this meme a hundred times, it will become true!


How should communist China develop the productive forces of other nations, aside from what they're doing


> It's ridiculous to say that the infrastructure projects China is conducting are 'no strings attached'.
Something that a lot of multipolaristas seems to forget is that european colonialism in africa begun in the exact same way: fund this, build that, finance a thing here and there: goes on until you directly or indirectly end up controlling most of the country, and after that point you have to defend your interests from other imperialists and the locals.


Just like in the Soviet Union!


How could Communist China keep promoting the development of global productive forces without being imperialist?


Sorry, I was angry and threatened people instead of only being constructive. That is not the way to convince anyone.
Imperialism doesn't develop productive forces. It only holds them back, keeping countries in semi-feudalism or bureaucratic capitalism. If China was Communist it would support groups such as the NPA in the Philippines instead of opposing them.
I don't think that was how European colonialism in Africa began. It was entirely different circumstances. But, it is how European colonialism continues.
Engage with people's points you disingenuous swine rather than acting all sarcastic. This sort of twitter mentality needs to be worked out in mass self-criticism sessions.


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The only 3, material things, that you pointed about China, is that they are mining minerals, working on plants and building railways.
There is literally nothing to talk about, i don't get why you are so mad about it.


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>just one more socialist billionaire bro, please just one more cobalt mine in the congo and it will fix capitalism trust me bro


>oh no people are mining minerals, working on plants and building railways, how tragic.
Funny that you mention railways

> The building of railways seems to be a simple, natural, democratic, cultural and civilising enterprise; that is what it is in the opinion of the bourgeois professors who are paid to depict capitalist slavery in bright colours, and in the opinion of petty-bourgeois philistines. But as a matter of fact the capitalist threads, which in thousands of different intercrossings bind these enterprises with private property in the means of production in general, have converted this railway construction into an instrument for oppressing a thousand million people (in the colonies and semicolonies), that is, more than half the population of the globe that inhabits the dependent countries, as well as the wage-slaves of capital in the “civilised” countries.


By your standards, the Soviet Union was imperialist in Europe,
by "forcing people to harsh working conditions" and "doing economical planning to increase profits and production".

Bring some data or stop with the teenager ""philosophical"" moralist threats. The worker doesn't care about your talk that don't bring bread and meat. The work, the third world people, and more than 90% of the Chinese population supports the communist party of China.

I did not "mention" this on my own. I copy pasted from this post>>545406
>Perhaps the simple answer that they want to build railways to extract minerals quicker, rather than to abstractly benefit the population, is the right one. In line with imperialism, the workers and peasants aren't benefiting from this in any meaningful way.
> the workers and peasants aren't benefiting from this in any meaningful way.


Not at all, for the soviets had no reason to battle for a privileged access to a market


that explains everything, thanks


I would suck Mr Breast's cock for $50


same, although prostitution is morally incorrect. Since my country allows it, and the act of me sucking other peoples cock or not doesn't change anything in the system, i think i would suck his cock. Heck, even play with his balls for more $5


>I don't think that was how European colonialism in Africa began. It was entirely different circumstances. But, it is how European colonialism continues.
I'm taking as a reference what I do know of european imperialism in the earliest 1900's (italy). I have also read that the UK during the initial surge of liberalism even considered formally releasing it's colonies since (the argument went) they had no reason to have direct control over them, as the free market was the best thing ever and more than enough to keep their profits up and their development going, but abandoned the idea due to increasing international competition from the rest of europe.
Note that I read such from an unrelated text so don't quote me on it.

> Always trying to combine self-interests with human good is an important character of West civilization. This combination led to a puzzling phenomenon: in the middle of the 19th century for a time there were some “vacuum” in colonial policy appearing in England. A debate occurred about whether the country should abandon colonies. The optimistic liberalism applied their idea to colonial affairs, thinking that colonies were useless since “there was a natural harmony of interests among producers as well as among nations”.

> As we know, such ideas were soon disappeared, for not long after the debate appearing the intense world-wide competition forced England to get more colonies. Realist interests always overcome idealism.


How much to let Beast piss in your mouth?


depends how much he would offer me, then we could bargain it.


$75 to gargle and spit
$100 to swallow (all of it, every last drop)


ok, that works out


>Why should I care if the German workers support the NSDAP
>Comparing China with Nazi germany



It is incredible to me, all your points are completely incorrect. Like, all of them, this must be satire


No, imperialism did build up productive forces in the sense of capital transfer from the colonizing nation to the colonized nation. However, we know that Capital is always in opposition with Labour, and thus a surfeit of capital indicates an absolute degradation of human labour, which is the most important productive force. This is why imperialism, both in its classical and neocolonial version, quickly becomes an outdated form of social relations.


I'd suck Mr. Beast for free


Mr. Beast would suck me for free


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> You disgusting imperialist, your tongue should be removed for using Comrade Stalin as a shield. Every colonialist deserves torture, and you are no exception, you pig.
i literally am a prole who pays rent, has a kid, and owns nothing except a dirty old truck from 2006 that barely runs lmfao. but god forbid i try to tamp down some of the sinophobic blood lust that is leading americans across the entire political spectrum from communist to fascist into supporting some kind of holy WW3 against china for any and all contradictory reason.


i mean i feel like i'm going fucking nuts, it's wild to me that literally EVERYONE in america seems to want to kill chinese right now) magatards want to do it because "evil CCP bug people" and communists want to do it because "actually they're imperialist in africa" but there's total consent manufactured. Everyone's united even if their reasons are completely different. you can have a fascist american and a communist american in the same room and the fascist will say the most sinophobic bloodthirsty shit imagineable and the communist won't push back because "haha won't catch me defending dengist china" meanwhile here is how the supposed victims of imperialism feel when NATO tries to "confront them" about the supposed chinese imperialism.


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last post, I promise. i understand the criticism that china is capitalist and revisionist. I really do. but the false equivalency between what they do and what amerikkka does is really getting to me. The entire third world seems to approve of China and agree with them far more often than they agree with the USA, and see them as way less of at threat, but I'm supposed to ignore that and just see some numbers on a spreadsheet as evidence that China is now the new imperial kkkore, that han supremacy has replaced white supremacy, that amerikkkan imperialism is over, that china is now the biggest threat to the global proletariat, and so on. And when I don't buy that, when I still uphold a revolutionary defeatist line against my own nation, and don't buy into the sinophobic propaganda that's gonna get burger zoomers ten years my junior drafted and turned into mincemeat a few years from now, I'm supposedly an "imperialist colonizer" who should have his "tongue cut out". meanwhile other posters on here will actually make fun of me for sounding like a "sakaist" for the same sentiments. Do words even have meaning anymore, S?


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Oh, so that's what they meant by BELT and road initiative.

Productive forces must be built, it's the chinese man's burden.


>it's wild to me that literally EVERYONE in america seems to want to kill chinese right now
>magatards want to do it because "evil CCP bug people" and communists want to do it because "actually they're imperialist in africa"
Where did you see anyone advocating for the death of Chinese proles in this thread? How is pointing out that Chinese corporations and the government pursue imperialism in Africa strictly equivalent to calling for a genocide of China now? Why are multipolitaristas like this?


In the west everyone has been turned against China due to the information war on them, the only major exceptions to this are Marxist-Leninists and Chinese expats and students. Everyone has been given their own personal little reason to oppose China so when you push lies like: 'real communists™ oppose communist countries!' you are doing their work (acheving full spectrum conformity) regardless of your own aims.



This is a falacy tho. You're not responding to what I said about Chinese imperialism, just saying I'm wrong because of some conspiracy. I do actually push back against Sinophobia btw, more than I should tbh to the point I defend Chinese imperialism, and I am known as pro-china IRL. I don't want to kill Chinese people, it is my favourite country of which I love the culture and I have close friends from, I love China many times more than Amerikkka but I understand both are imperialist powers and need to be combatted. The Chinese government is doing just as bad things as Western Imperialists and you're ignoring it because you think it is part of some narrative. But I accept there is going to be a narrative because thats the whole thing with inter-imperialist conflicts isn't it! I don't care what side wins even if I am a bit of a Chinaboo. Also I am not a Sakaist and I think that shit and JDPON is ridiculous, it is a westoid invention. But tbh saying to murder you probably did not help to convince you to change your mind sorry >.<


Not everyone around the world is a bloodthirsty American cunt brainwashed by FOX News (including in America).
Here, the bad things most people have to say about China are muh human rights and freedom of expression, but nobody wants war with China, we have absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose. Most people know the future of business and technology lies in China, our sphere of influence has been waning since the beginning of the 20th century, so we want business deals with them instead of seething.
Of course, not everything is peace and harmony in geopolitics, some politicians in the EU want higher tariffs on EVs for example, as a protectionist move for the local automobile industry, but all the parties concerned are willing to talk instead of going "hurr durr we will increase tariffs by 10000%!!!" like burger politicians (source: https://www.ft.com/content/0545ed62-c4b9-4e8a-80fa-c9f808e18385)

>when you push lies like: 'real communists™ oppose communist countries!' you are doing their work (acheving full spectrum conformity) regardless of your own aims.

My problem is that communist countries™ oppose real communists, it's not the other way around.
The Chinese government has arrested labour activists and Maoist students in the past, just one example here: https://clb.org.hk/en/content/five-labour-activists-released-after-15-months-detention


It‘s not a civilizing mission, they are just building infrastructure. That‘s not the same as gutting the culture and established social organization for mere self gain.



Chinese larping as crakkker


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ur dumb


How many africans did the chinese kill? And how many africans the US and Europe kill?


Both kill millions each year




Asian American CIA agent at a black site torturing locals, passed off as a chinese bourgeoisie, oldest trick in the book


You people are so naive it's painful



And what this has to do with china exactly?



What does it have to do with Amerikkka? You don't need me to explain.


>both chinese and americans kill millions of africans every year
<source for chinese killing them?
>no source provided, just a vague passive voice source that people die of hunger


>Africans drinking their own shitwater is the fault of the Chinese


You're false flagging.


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ITT: People defending Capitalism with Chinese characteristics while slamming Western Capitalism


it's not capitalism if a communist party is in charge


?how am I false flagging. i responded to what you are saying, unless you're asserting I also made >>545785 this post. which i didn't. someone else might be pretending to be you but it ain't me


China is rightfully doing permanent NEP until all countries ruled by bourgeois parties are overthrown


I thought you were false flagging because you are denying that through starvation (amongst many other things) imperialists are mass-murdering people or genociding them in the Third World. You confused me because this assumption is normal for communists and you are denying it like a liberal might.


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I think it's quite telling that I can't tell if you're serious or just ironic
Retarded. Capital doesn't give a shit about the technical affiliation of who's in charge.


>I think it's quite telling that I can't tell if you're serious or just ironic
now you're thinking dialectically!


Imagine not being a multipolarista in 2024, tbh


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Imagine not huffing jenkem in 2024, tbh


Autistic meltdown, the kangs are genuinely and totally not using those resources and land belongs to those who work them, moreso if it is to spread the communist cause. We totally do not need sudanese larping as afrikan americans and selling their oil for gucci bags.
Yap and kill yourself for the greater revolution.


Tada ritard. This is how american glowies operate. Both sides of the spectrum yada yada yada.


wtf are you even saying


>you are denying that through starvation (amongst many other things) imperialists are mass-murdering people or genociding them in the Third World.

Is china doing this? Reminder that China is one of the countries with the least amount of hunger in the world, and more than 45% of chinese humanitarian aid goes to africa.

China has implemented more than 800 emergency humanitarian aid projects in some 40 countries and delivered emergency food aid to over 30 countries over the past six years, making it the largest provider of humanitarian assistance among developing countries.

Li said that China also offered cash aid to Zambia to help control cholera in the African nation, and has decided to provide emergency humanitarian assistance to Micronesia as it deals with drought and post-disaster reconstruction.

China will continue to uphold justice in the changing and turbulent world, shoulder its responsibilities and offer the utmost assistance in accordance with its capacity, he said.

China's humanitarian assistance includes short-term emergency relief supplies, cash transfers, medical rescue teams, medium and long-term post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, disaster prevention and mitigation capacity building, and migration and refugee crisis management.


Imageboard debate addict text slop tbh.


>The economist
>Despite its reputation, Chinese aid is quite effective
>A new study reassesses the notion that China is a bad donor


Did you know that there are no socialist billionaires because they are just head of SOE, not the owners of the companies?

Did you know that Chinese mechanization of the Congolese cobalt mines wiped out child labour?


Uhm Xi didn’t invade muh country at this second and pressed the communism button for me, so they are actually the real racists


based multipolar mr. beast?!?!!?!?


Did you know hitler was a socialist because the roads were state owned? Come back for more interesting facts


99.99% of burgers would believe that.

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