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Why are defenders of Hollywood slop like this?


complaining about complaining is the new complaining


nothing i can say about a Hollywood film makes a blind bit of difference one way or another. they won't listen to me, and i will ignore 95% of them as a matter of course - not by conscious effort, but because my attention is elsewhere. i could not name a single film released this year with any degree of certainty.
when you complain here, however, suddenly the film is brought to my attention. now, nothing i can say about this film matters, and the film does not matter to me. but what you're saying, by talking about it, is that the film matters to you. that, i find distasteful. do as i do and as i say: ignore it, go play a Koei strategy game for SNES. stop letting slop live in your head rent free. you're not going to cleanse the rivers of shit by yelling about them online.

this covers only the broadest possible general case, before we get to specifics like "complaining some trash film is woke", which tells me nothing i didn't know about the film, but a lot i didn't know about the complainer's dime-a-dozen reactionary politics and pathetic social resentments.

you should always think of these things as a communication metagame. complainers assert an identity by whining about the film, counter-complainers assert an identity by their response to the complainer. a distinction exists between opposing complaints because you don't care either way, and opposing them because you like the product in question, but such distinctions never really matter for gameplay purposes.


You think you can, but really no one can escape the capitalist slop. No one. You are not a critical consumer or a conscius one. You are a SLAVE TO ZE MATRIX


This. But I dont think it's that new. The whole "I want attention so I'm gonna whine about people whining" thing has been around for sometime


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This is one instance where I agree with the old heads saying normies ruined the internet. The internet is a haven for people to complain about stuff away from the prying eyes of the average consumer who's happy to be picrel. I'm sure we've all had moments IRL where we refrained from shitting on something because most people are content to shut brain off and consume and doing anything to the contrary will have you labeled a contrarian/buzzkill/autist. It's happened to me back when capeshit was having it's heyday. Now you can go into the forums/fanpage/subreddit for pretty much anything and see walls of text complaining about complainers to the point that it's a common refrain to point out that "the only complaining I see is people complaining about complainers" or something to that effect. I've been seeing it lately during my return to bethesdaslop where people adamantly defend the newer titles in the fallout/elder scrolls series against the fans of the original games. The annoying thing is that you can't really argue against these people because they don't actually defend their slop against the complainers; they tacitly admit the complaints have merit but just get mad they they're being voiced at all. At the end of the day the hater is despised for not mindlessly consuming product and tbh maybe they're right? Like go do something else if you hate it so much. It's insidious but you can't really argue with that. Thus was born the tradition of having communities dedicated to hating on a product because the complainers and fanboys can no longer coexist


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>itt people whine about people who whine about people whining
it's a whine ouroboros.


>all complaints must be entertained
Peak pseud behavior.


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Because everyone already knows it's slop, including the bulk of the people consuming it. Trying to criticize Marvel movies as movies is like trying to criticize McDonald's as food or Call of Duty as video games. Mostly, people aren't giving you shit because you're criticizing a thing they like, they're giving you shit because you're being a weird blowhard wasting his mental bandwith on Captain Blapso (2019).


if your complaint is as shallow as everything posted itt then you deserve it lmao. cinema as a medium probably has under 30 years left anyway. not even joking

>inb4 hollywood is still strong

yep and itll be stronger than ever. hence why cinema wont


>cinema as a medium probably has under 30 years left anyway.
Please elaborate. Because otherwise you sound like a fucking retard.


Glownonymous winning his 50th straight 'dumbest take' world championship


the average filmgoer today is a moron who thinks blockbuster filmmakers like spielberg and cameron are "too arthouse". there are more movies with superheroes in released a year than movies without superheroes in. there's a major studio openly using "profits above art" as a slogan

ok dude (re)post another insipid 4chan meme about consoooomers instead XDDDDD


one day we'll look back nostalgically on skibidi toilet as being one of the last great works of authentic human art before all media became algorithm-friendly product-placement-ridden ai shit beamed directly into our brains


Ok there's bad movies, that's literally been the case as long as there have been movies, it doesn't mean somehow no good movies can be produced


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they're actually like this


why did you put your plate beneath his ass. why would you not get up and leave faced with this situation


4channers when trying to explain literally anything: imagine food and feces…


Was telling some weeb friends the new Planet of the Apes movie isn't half-bad for modern Hollywood standards, they just kinda tuned out of the conversation. That tells me there's literally people tuning out of Hollywood shit. I don't blame them, but it's an interesting cultural development. We are heading towards total breakdown of the shared cultural fabric.


>isn't half-bad for modern Hollywood standards
Sounds like absolute dogshit then. I'm glad people aren't going to the movies Hollywood just produces boring garbage now. There used to be multiple movies a year (and in the 90s sometimes multiple a month) I would care to see in theaters. I generally like going to the movies, but there has to be something worth seeing.


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streetb coming out of your place…..
sorry it was as strong

so, reviser as strong,…


I am not saying i am not leaving…. just saying



let the sun kiss your skin at least once a week


It's decent if you like monke, otherwise not special, is what I meant. A movie for fans of the "genre", rather than the general public, if that makes sense.

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