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You live in an apartment with a roomate but he just left and now you must find a new one. You put some ads and soon you receive 25 requests…

Who of these pretty ladies will be your new roomie and why?


Seek medical help.


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You remind me of all the creepy posters on craigslist who are old men looking exclusively for female roomates. Just get a gf first then and have her pay half the rent instead of looking for a roommate to creep on.


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Well, tbqh, I just wanna know which one of these beautiful immigrants would you welcome into your home (and into your heart) to offer her a life…

That's all…



another goongem thread


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Because a friend of a friend needs to make the right choice and he needs some perspective…



>You live in an apartment with a roomate but he just left and now you must find a new one. You put some ads and soon you receive 25 requests…

Accept them all and have them live in one room and live broadcast it.


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A businessman…


Give me all the latinas.


All my favorite camwhores are Latinas. Colombianas are the champs.


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That's why american, canadian, UK, and rest of the world bitches hate latinas mamaitas. Because they're TOO envious of them since they attract all the attention and the vast majority of men prefer them because they're really beautiful, hot, cheerful, kind, and adorable!


I need to learn Espanol. Latina women really are top-tier. Every Latina woman does anal guarunteed.


>Also, colombian women are still mentally virgins. They're not contaminated with all that evil ideological cancer of feminism and all that shit. They're happy being women and making their man happy by caring for him and making love to him like panthers in heat…
I really want to move to Colombia. The women are fine as hell. Awesome personality, weed and coke are legal available.


3 likes keyboards enough to feature one prominently in her picture. I like when people are open about their hobbies and interests like that.


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That place could be a paradise for your dick but it's a shithole. Wild monkeys making disgusting noise 24/7. High levels of crime on the streets, problems with water supply, fucking uyghas everywhere, bad food, too much poverty and gray cityscapes…

The best option is to get a harem of beautiful and cheerful colombian ladies and take them to live with you…


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>bad food,
Really? Latino food is good.
>too much poverty and gray cityscapes…
Why I'm going to get a place out in the jungle.

>The best option is to get a harem of beautiful and cheerful colombian ladies and take them to live with you…



>Latino food is good


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Boo. They give you straight cuts of meat. It's not Ethiopian tier probably but it's good.


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Mexican food is good but colombian food isn't. And yep, maybe there you can live like something similar to a rich guy but that joy will end as long as uyghurs try to kidnap you or one of your wives and then leave you in pieces on some road…


Mmm, you are probably right.
>And yep, maybe there you can live like something similar to a rich guy but that joy will end as long as uyghurs try to kidnap you or one of your wives and then leave you in pieces on some road…
There are better third world countries to live in. You say uyghurs but Africa is much safer.


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Which one knows CQC?


They know how to spread their asshole.


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They all come from low and poor neighborhoods so they know how to fight…


Also why would I get a choice if I'm not the land lord?


Hey, calm down man! it's just a heterosexuality test and that's it…


Well if they're not poor you won't be able to do sex imperialism there my little passport bro


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It also helps a lot to not be fat, ugly, or boring with a shitty personality…


O rly? Why can't you get latino pussy in the US then? We all know passport bros are all broke ass uygha


Because you just get less bang for your buck in the USA. You'll have the most obese whores acting like they're hot shit in the USA.


I mean straight up globular latina whores like you wouldn't believe acting like they're hot shit. Something's going wrong in the USA.


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Yes I can, any other question? I want you to understand something, bro. Colombian women in the US are already contaminated physically and mentally. Also, and most importantly, do you see those women on top? Well, those are the women that interest ME in particular.I'm not dying for a colombian girlfriend, whatever it may be. I am interested in those women in particular and only them. This is about THEM specifically, not about anyone else…


Yeah whatever you say lil bro. Maybe if your Colombian fantasy doesn't work you can jump ship to Eastern Europeans or Arab or something


>Yeah whatever you say lil bro. Maybe if your Colombian fantasy doesn't work you can jump ship to Eastern Europeans or Arab or something
Why Arab?


That's it the most retarded cope imaginable. The US has no shortage of fine pussy t. Someone who went to Illinois for a few years. If you only get obese women it's because American women has higher bargaining power and pretty women won't slobber on your knob because of desperation


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>That's it the most retarded cope imaginable. The US has no shortage of fine pussy t. Someone who went to Illinois for a few years. If you only get obese women it's because American women has higher bargaining power and pretty women won't slobber on your knob because of desperation
Bullshit. I've been to Walmarts in the midwest. You will see more globular women than anywhere else in the world.


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Excellent choice! Baby face but with a body of an aphrodite. She is the quietest, calmest, and most submissive among them all. Great wife-material with two big glands…


sauce for 18?


sauce for 18?




ive never seen a latina irl ;_;


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Dios mio.


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That beautiful girl's name is Karina. She has some autism but she's very funny and passionate…


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She's the youngest of them all, so she's still somewhat naive and inexperienced.She's still learning how to be a woman (or a professional whore), so you have to be patient (but those two big tits are worth it)…


>She's the youngest of them all,
I guess I have an eye for it.
>so she's still somewhat naive and inexperienced.She's still learning how to be a woman (or a professional whore), so you have to be patient (but those two big tits are worth it)…


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That's a shame… Best women ever…

And it's not just me saying it, a colleague above confirms it!


16 or 22


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Both beautiful women. Number 16 is the most intelligent and virtuous of all. An elegant lady in every sense of the word. Her only flaw is not having tits, otherwise she would be absolutely perfect…

Number 22… what can I tell you… she's pure fire…


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A beautiful girl who is also quite smart, so sometimes she tends to be a bit depressive and pessimistic. She's a true charm and sweet princess once you manage to break that hard shell and she lets herself be known by you…


you sold it to me, what's her name ?


I doubt it would work with any of them, they are all way too pretty to acknowledge the existence of someone like me.




any vids?


No shit uyghur. You don't go to walmart in search of good pussy. Damn you people are so dumb, of course if you go to a place that specifically advertised itself as grocery store for poor people and fat people you'll only see fat people there


My jailbait girls thread died for this shit.


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The name of that very beautiful lady is Carolina, an upcoming biomedical engineer. She's not only beautiful on the outside but also on the inside. Indeed, she has the personality of a doctor, she likes to know the truth of things and not beat around the bush (which is NOT common in a woman). A true treasure on Earth…


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You just have to trust yourself, bud (?)


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Obviously you want one of these things inside you…


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Sure, pal…


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Whichever one has the most stable job and can pay the rent on time.

No, I'm not fucking my roommate. Even as a dumbass fantasy, you should know not to shit where you sleep.


Having a camgirl as a roomie sounds like a fucking disaster bro. Cameras, lighting equipment and sex toys all over the place and you probably can't do anything at all while she's working.


and you might slip ins the lube and break your ankle


or imagine if you were walking around with a boner and tripped and broke your dick


none of em have dicks


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A reasonable answer. Lacks testosterone but very reasonable…


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You would be surprised how professional and organized they are. Among all the bitches, they're the most decent, healthy, smart, clean, and nice. The only bad thing could be her shitty music and the sound of her moaning during his work day…


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Sorry, bud… They're all 100% women naturally born as women with a real vagina…


Women disgust me


Lmao idc about your fantasy man how do i search her ?


Most of the above because I am indecent


need more afro-latinas in this thread stat

not enough color


I would inseminate all of them!


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Enjoy your oral-pharyngeal-anal syphilis and your premature fecal incontinence, you damn faggot…


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On your favorite webcam site except ShiturBAIT…


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Unique IPs: 33

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