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File: 1718934335877.jpeg (31.98 KB, 554x554, mr beast.jpeg)


Imagine if Mr Beast got horny and started making sex videos


Mr beast would pay me to have the one in a lifetime to suck me off for 50 dollars.


Would you let Mr Beast do weird sex shit to you on tape for 1 million dollars? On a scale of 1-10 it's an 11 on how weird and nasty the stuff you'd have to do.


Yeah probably.


Me too perchance.


depends on what your definition of 11 on the weird and nasty scale is


It's better to let your mind wander. It's probably more fucked up than anything I could think of. If you absolutely need something to go off of: It's everything except killing or maiming you.


Would you rather do something that's about a 7 on the scale but everyone on Earth sees it or something that's a 10 on the scale but it's private.


Mr Beastiality


a million dollaryoos could go a long way towards building an org but I don't think I'm willing to let Mr Beast shit in my mouth for communism


File: 1718936767529.jpg (85.94 KB, 440x599, stalin is amused.jpg)


I'd rather let him shit in my mouth than earn the same money by working for 50 years.


Depends what a 7 is.


don't worry anon, most of us won't live that long


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5 is around picrel

10 is everything except killing or maiming you.

7 is in between those


That looks pretty hardcore to be a 5. But if all I have to do is be in a gimp suit then whatever


the new Cube sequel looks weird


If 1 is missionary then relatively gimp cube makes sense. It's not all that hardcore really, you're just in a cube.


It's total covering in latex and immobilisation, if 1 is missionary then 5 should be like, being handcuffed to the bed in a sexy outfit.


Get a room you lot!


I guess I'm a prude but here I was thinking 1 would be cuddling and hand holding. I dont think I'm taking the money lol


based tbh


File: 1718941287486.jpg (40.46 KB, 405x720, I KNEEL I SQUEAL.jpg)

Suddenly my knees feel VERY fucking heavy


Nah that feels more like a 3


The dude 100% eats scat.


Soulless eyes
Also no one can explain where all his money comes from. Im guessing its straight from the federal reserve


free sperm donations


Mr Beast looks constipated


Mr Breast, then

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