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Am i racist if i say that seeing Hispanics being ultra proud of Catholicism and the Spanish empire kinda feel like seeing Pakistanis larping as Turkish ghazis. I'm not saying we should all retvrn to paganism or whatever the fuck since i also think that neopagans are retard but you know what i'm saying right?


I'm Chilean and I often get angry at similar shit so I know what you mean


>since i also think that neopagans are retard
Why? Its not like they actually believe is supernatural nonsense, they just want to have cool cultural events and stuff.


The ones that are super proud of being Spanish, especially ones claiming full blood ancestry, are kind of dumb. It’s not really racist when even hispanics know this.


idk if it's racist but it certainly sounds news addicted. Also neopaganism isn't paganism, it's new age shit appropriating practices for profit. Paganism isn't doctrinal, but neopaganism is doctrinal.


Yes, neopaganism is crystals and chakras and astrology, while paganism is praying to the sun god (which neopagans would call superstitious).


You're probably prejudiced against catholics because of how conservative catholics are in angloid countries, but in south america catholicism leans left. Which makes sense, because the teachings of Jesus are blatantly socialist.




It was a progressive force in the grand scheme of things so being proud is one thing but wanting to retvrn or keep the status quo is another.


Not in Brazil at least.


>Why? Its not like they actually believe is supernatural nonsense
many of them do.


Wiccas are the burgers of witchcraft. There's not even a lot of them they're just rich anglos that get honorary abrahamic status for being racist / transphobic about it.

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