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i know i am not the only person to ever find issue with the elderly public

and i will definitly say there are decent nice old people out there that mind there own business and water their flowers..

but what do we do about the old people that want to throw their beliefs and shit at us like oh in my day
bitch you can see how time works it'll never be your day ever again. over with. kill yourself and move on.

but no. they don't.. so whats the solution to them? poop at the door? cement globs in their driveway?

what? sorry kinda pissed that old people try running around telling kids to get off their phones and shit


Change the material conditions that made them like that, and make mockery of essentialist / whedonistic thought so those that do end up like that don't feel so bold about it.


File: 1719076553483.png (121.5 KB, 377x444, chihuahua asdfasdf.PNG)

idpol thread no.8345547768356


Thats not elserly. Thats middle aged.
Elderly people usually are nice and are accepting of things changing even if they dont like it.

Its the middle aged whom are easily indignant about any slight cultural change.

I hear more people whine about feeling old in their tgirties tgan in their seventies.

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