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I just read the quran and it was objectively boring, repetitive and dogmatic.
The Bible at least has children's stories and stuff but the quran just beats you over the head with "believe, or you will go to hell".
At least it is one book though and not 66 like the bible, which is equally full of fluff and filler (especially in the first 5 books).
As i get older im starting to take the reddit atheist perspective that people only believe because they were born into it, they havent read their holy scriptures and/or a lack of education. This doesnt make atheists smarter btw, since plenty of dumb atheists also exist.
I recently heard a religious reactionary talk about how literacy is a privilege and most shouldnt be allowed to read or write. Just like the catholics before the reformation. And interestingly too, this revilement for educating the lower classes has persisted from ancient greece, and even til the renaissance humanism of people like rousseau, who likewise said that literacy should be preserved for elites.
So i think religion objectively keeps people dumb and subservient, where as kant says: "i must limit knowledge to preserve faith".
This isnt even really about whether God exists or not, but just that religion purposefully keeps people dumb and is inherently reactionary. I guess thats why the first sin is eating from the tree of knowledge?


I didn't like the part in the bible where they started listing out names like "John son of Ben son of Ted son of…"


Half of genesis is like that
Even the beginning of the new testament gpes through 42 generations before jesus


You're really gonna start a thread with a political compass with fleshjaks and expect people to read?


The worst part of the bible though is the lisying of the 613 commandements which comprises the entirety of leviticus, deuteronomy and numbers


Sagefags deserve nothing


Most of Muslim lore isn't even i the quran tbh. Hadiths would be more you taste.


The hadiths are just the islamic summa theologica. Its still 6 long books of irrelevancy.
But this is what happens when smart people cant give up religion.


muslims will cope saying that the quran is "irreplicable" and challenge people to write verses like it


Just skip Leviticus and Deuteronomy


Why are you reading religious books analytically? Are you studying theology in college or something? There's no way I'd spend my time doing this rather than jacking off

And are there cool scary creatures in the quran, like the biblically accurate angels?


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>As i get older im starting to take the reddit atheist perspective that people only believe because they were born into it, they havent read their holy scriptures and/or a lack of education. This doesnt make atheists smarter btw, since plenty of dumb atheists also exist.
This is just obviously true and the whole "reddit atheist" stereotype is almost entirely cope by religious people.



I have a hobby in looking at religion and the occult. Most religious experts are also atheists.
No, the emphasis on heavenly creatures are massively de-emphasised in the quran, where primacy is given to Allah alone.
Allah on the day of juddgement is an admittedly awe-inspiring description, where he essentially destroys reality, then resurrects reality and forces it to bow down to Him.
But this apocalyptic stuff is also present in the bible, particularly in the old testament where we see the wrath of God
However, in islam there are "Jinn" (spirits) which have free will and so arent the servants of Allah. Satan is one of these Jinn (who was originally called Iblis). These Jinn are closer to the Daemons of paganism, but could still be inferred as evil tempters (which is why "Genie" comes from "Jinn").
I still need to read 1001 Arabian Nights…


I am a buddhist by choice.
I have many "transhumanist" friends
I hope all of them get reincarnated into women next go around.
I hope all of break the cycle.
I would write more and expand upon what I wish for all of you, but it is 1am in England and my I am thinking of my bed as one thinks of the arms of their bf or gf


>I hope all of them get reincarnated into women next go around.
>I hope all of break the cycle.

isn't that oxymoronic


Buddha says that women cant get enlightened so that would be a loss for them


Yes but its 1am I am very tired I just hope my loved ones get to a place of comfort and happiness and because og dysphoria that is trans.

Sithada Guitma (wrong spelling) said that. There are other buddhas we havr yet to see Maitreya this era (I am very tired please forgive me)


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Ok I get what you're saying, try go to bed now <3


Stellar idea. Goodnight anonymous leftist poster whatever gender you are. (I think you are a girl but I am not sure) goodnight


Plot twist: Abrahamic religions are about political perfection not spiritual.

Most people in the Abrahamic faiths dont bkieve in God. They hope there is a God.

Most of them dont think of God or the Devil as sentient beings but as metaphors or psychosomatic effects.


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>I hope all of them get reincarnated into women next go around.
Do buddhists think souls have a gender? Do asexual organisms have a gendered soul too?


Buddhists believe souls transform into new people throughout one's life, which is probably more accurate than soul essentialism.


I'm generally sympathetic to religious people when they are born into it but converts are usually the most reactionary freaks of them all

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