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Bros…we won…


I'm glad for him but he was still locked up for like 10 years, hard to call this a victory


who's that


How long til he turns up dead of an "apparent suicide" or some shit?


>some lib gets released


kys retard


He caused more butthurt to Burgerreich than the entire userbase of this website will do in their entire lifespan.


>le butthurt dialectics


Supposedly he got a bunch of informants killed by publishing stuff.


Not sure if thats good or not just that le butthurt seems like shallow praxis.


The butthurt is a side effect that has made his imprisonment a giant spectacle. The value of his contribution is in exposing bourgeois state crimes and contributing to class consciousness. Liberal or not he is good.


Well his claim for fame was publishing "Collateral Murder".


Everything detrimental to the US is good for the world.


Im not supporting fascoids to own the americans.


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