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lib thoughts: sometimes i wonder if borderline personality disorder isn't real and is just a way narcissists minimize their role in a failed relationship to distance themselves from their partner's perfectly normal response to their emotional abuse by neglect


narcissism and borderline are both cluster B disorders which are all fundamentally related to each other and can be thought of as different manifestations of the same issues


Most "mental illness" is made up


Narcisissm is an overused diagnsotic term thats thrown around against people for not kissing ass to cliche platitudes.

They call leftists narcisstic.
They call furries narcisstic.
They call single people narcisstic.


None of the disorders in the DSM are "real," in the sense that the basic philosophy behind classifying these disorders is fundamentally wrongheaded, treating mental disorder as if works like a pathogen-based disease you catch, instead of a dis-order in your psychological patterns.


what's wrong with categorising common disorders.


Mental disorder is a result of perturbations in mental processes, which are specific to the individual being affected. Think of it like something going wrong with a car's engine. Certain parts aren't doing what they're expected to do and need to be fixed, and this can start messing with other parts. But the medicalization of mental disorders applies the logic of disease treatment, where you have like a virus that comes into the body and makes it do specific things (causing specific symptoms) and requiring a specific treatment based on the pathogen. But even if two people have mental disorders with the same cause (like they both had the same traumatic expierience), they might respond to it very differently causing different things to go wrong with their mental processes. And of course you can have people with very similar symptoms caused by different things. Most mental disorders are a result of multiple factors too, compounding each other to be more than somebody's mind can handle and still function normally (but that's partly because currently people don't take mental health seriously enough and it usually has to get pretty bad before they get treatment).

Basically, there are certain patterns you can see in people's disorders, but there's a lot of overlap and the disorder is more a matter of some underlying cause of the symptom rather than the particular combination of symptoms a person has. In that way, DSM style diagnosis is more about managing the disorder than trying to address why somebody got like that and improving their life. A lot of this has to do with the fact that in capitalism, mental health services exist to keep you an effective worker and a lot of mental health issues are caused or exacerbated by capitalist conditions (which the medical field is in no position to combat even if it recognizes this).


I kind of agree with you but it's not really helpful to walk into a doctor's office and try to list off all the issues in your brain in long format, it's much easier and more useful to say 'I have asperger's, ADHD, and depression'


The way they diagnose you is by you ticking off symptoms and if you get 6/10 then you get your pills and pushed out of the office. Its not supposed to be a system that fixes your issues.


I would rather have pills and a diagnosis than nothing.


Why? Every mentally ill person stops taking pills and complains about them and cant stop talking about how mentally ill they are.
But you know i once saw an interview with people saying if there was a magic button then they wouldnt cure themselves. People are prideful of any dumb thing that gives them an identity.


If you don't know anything about mental illness then why even try have an opinion.


And you speak for what mental illness is then?


I mean at least I don't just openly hate people who have them.


Genius is close to madness as many note - brilliant people are often easy to hate. But so what? Let them be and let me be.


>BPD isn't real unlike this other equally pseudoscientific DSM personality category


The DSM is literally just bullshit. Everything in the DSM can be moved around, manipulated, removed at will. But people treat it like some kind of immutable stone tablet sent down by god. Homosexuality was in the DSM and the "therapy" was electroshock or whatever until activists in the 70s bullied the APA into removing it. BPD is also just a less yikes-y way to say "female hysteria".


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Lol this fucking guy thinking that any mental illnesses are real lol :O

>>distance themselves from their partner's perfectly normal response to their emotional abuse by neglect

Maybe try realizing that some people are just labeled better than others.

Find me some signs of chemical imbalances that you can test in blood for a schizophrenic that would determine their illness and necessitate the use of a chemical intervention lol

You will only go to a mental institution if you have a low standing in society even compared to family members. Also some people are masons and their abuse of you needs to be covered up with made up mental illnesses.

If you're labeled with one try a contingency plan IE murder suicide .


retard shit. big surprise you think the only people who have real mental illness are the people whk loudly announce it to everyone when you talk about it like this, who would ever trust you to talk about their serious mental problems with them lmao. btw personality disorders are usually classified differently anyway and are basically the "bad person disorders", e.g. borderline, narcissism, etc. none of them, personality disorders or mental disorders, are fundamentally real anyway at least in terms of being a definitive description of the diagnosed person, but theyre helpful descriptive guidelines nonetheless. one of the biggest differences is that meds do help mentally ill people but are far less effective for personality disorders. in very general terms, whatever the actual social and biological mechanisms, mentally ill people generally feel like their illness is in contradiction with who they are, and people with personality disorders generally feel like their disorder is who they are. thats a quick and dirty description and there are 'recovered' depressives and 'recovered' narcissists, anybody who tells you they really understand the foundations of this shit or anything close to them is lying, but its not complete bullshit. its a new field that pretends to know everything so is quickly seized on by capital, as most new fields are.

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