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since the war in ukrain is about blonde-haird and blue-eyed ethnic-white people killing each each other, why don't we speak with them ?. tell them that we can unite russia and ukraine but instead of screaming online and offline about nationalism or liberalism, we encourage them to scream about ex-USSR unity. Also, scream about white breeding program for ethnic whites group and sub-group in both nation and surrounding. tell them to scream that china will help them do the breeding program if it gain enough support (who knows, it may just work. after all chinks likes whiteys). tell them that the breeding program would ignore things like marriage and romance and any other things that may hinder the production of whites. But the catch is the right can still get gf. also, tell then that white commie country let you make pollicy that would ensure your fair-skinned ethnicity group and sub-group to only breed within their own (think middle asia USSR areas). tell them that white/lighter-skinned commie country doesn't invite darker skin collored immigrant.
>"but they don't want whores/women who already get fucked millions of time, they want virgins/ tradwives"
<just treat the pregnant women as your wive being pregnant
>"not my baby"
<there is no difference, all eastern-europe-ethnic-whites looked the same. none of you guys even actually cares anyway. so, just ignore it.
>muh familly
<you can make a familly but the women still need to do her job
>it's not authentic
<i do not care as long as the whites are reproducing alot of white babies it's good.

conflict will genuently stop if we do breeding program as long as said ethic-white group and sub-group take the mate/artificial insemination from their own group group and sub-group. also promise them that the program will maximize the production of blond hair and blue eye and every other non-generic (collorfull) eye and hair collor.

>so… it's cucking ?

<it's not
<it's just doing things for the grater good.
>also if they're pregnant then you can just bang them a lot and not having to worry about BBC getting the women pregnant


Problem is that I dont want rightoids on my side.


This is fucking insane and you are insane too.
I am a former neo nazi, want to know what was my trigger to leavr? A mixed race trans maoist told me to read Settlers by Saki and treated me like a person instead of a bomb, then an older De Leon Marxist was there for me when I was about to shoot myself in the head, that person is now my boyfriend (don't give a shit if he is older tbf)
Leftists are fantastic people but sometimes you are FAR to cerebral. Most rightoids don't need a fucking eugenics programs they just want someone to be there when things are shit. I was lucky in that I also god a fucking top tier older boyfriend too. But a friend will do.

Want to actually get a rightoid to your side? Ask him if everything is okay at home.


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i love the anons who post their honest innermost deranged thoughts about politics, it's like a whole other world in a novel i'm hearing about. i wanna sit some of you down and just hug you while you talk about the most unhinged shit imaginable


I often wonder when someone is mid deranged manifesto what would happen if I kissed them on the forehead, squeezed then tight and said
>Its okay, whilst we talk would you like to share some pizza with me, I will buy?
What happenens after that


aww whos a good little leftists? is it you? are the material conditions preventing you from getting sleep? awww well sweetie i am the imperial core and i will force you to brush your teeth, drink water and tuck into a nice warm bed by threat of violence. Be a good little leftists give me a hug and go get some sleep, my little leftist can fight the good fight after they've had plenty of reat and a nice full belly. Goodnight sweetie


LeftyPol has willful lack of empathy to others.
They just whine about being lonely and horny but will spit in rightists or liberals drinks for having the same pathologies as them.


>Want to actually get a rightoid to your side? Ask him if everything is okay at home.
Correct and this goes for organizing the working class in general. You ask and listen.


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didn't read


True answer to white question is allowing widespread pre-natal gene editing, because who the fuck is going to pick their kids to be Indian or some shit? Make it available to everyone as part of basic healtcare and in two generations world population will be 80% hyperborean.


At least you had the good sense to post this in /siberia/


feet dont fail me now, haha


*humanity immediately becomes furries*




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>troontech fantasy inc.


do it then


I do it IRL, not on an anglosphere imageboard full of shut-ins


I'm Irish bot an anglo.
Can you listen to me talk about a problem I am having with a gay relationship?


Sure, go ahead


Once we expand citizenship in all countries to include the intelligent animal species of earth, after we uplift them and establish communication with them, gene splicing will most likely create populations of partially human people which will drastically increase the size of the gene pool by creating anthro species. Eventually the delineation between species may become somewhat eroded and humanity might accidentally diverge into new subspecies or species entirely by mating with dog girls or catboys.


I have BPA and found someone on 4chan is poly and I fucking love him more the. life itself. He's a big fat american, older then me and a marxist. I want to do evil sexual things to him and I fucking love him body soul and face but he is massively depressed and thinks hes a piece of shit. I bought him elden ring and dlc recently but he refused and said its because hes not worth it.
I think he is a wonderful kind and fun human being who accepts me and my stupid fucking condition but he hates his body and I don't know how to make him see he is perfect.
I refuse to leave him, he seems to think I only like him because I am borderline but, I want hom.
I can't describe to you how much I want him, I feel sick with want. His fat ten year old body is like crack to my soul, his stupid jokes and his autstic talking about games. We're e boyfriends now after teo weeks but I want him to see himself as I do how can I do this?


genuine question. guy's how do i spoiler image ?


Violent sex I'm guessing


This. I don't understand why leftists want a ceasefire in Ukraine so bad. White people killing eachother is a good thing, they're literally doing our work for us.


Settlers is glowie propaganda anon.


Is that the good ending?


built for NTR


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Gene editing also works in adults.
There is a case of somebody getting cured of cystinosis. Side-effect was turning his blond hair and really fair coloring dark.



I suggest you chill out a little, man. Love him, but love other people too (non romantically/sexually). Know that your disorder has a high risk of burning people out if you're too clingy. Rather, aim to be consistent in your affection, if it's chill it'll be contagious and he'll learn to love himself as well.
Also if he wants to lose weight, he should know that he can do it if he wants to but doesn't need to (unless he's like very obese but I'm assuming he's just fat).


What the fuck are you talking about? What's the benefit to getting wignats board with Russia anyways?


Also the fact he's ten is probably not a good thing either


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>on the side of the leftypol
that will never happen.


>t. white MTW lving in the first world


>t. brown


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>white's are born white, stay white from birth to death, and is the whitest.
Naïveté. There are probably a few raceshifters among the people you know.


>t. Selfhating Subcontinental


Buy me the DLC please please please


Most of the world will be brown, nothing you can do about it.


All of you need to die in nuclear fire regardless of race, gender, sexuality,
Please erase mankind from this world


>inclusive nuclear holocaust

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