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A live with no social media and phone, having more DIY, Punk, hacking style and stuff, how is that possible in current years?

My ideas are having so low or no use of social media, using Linux or BSDS, having a custom rom at phone (or dumphone) and using alternative sites like image boards, IRC, old/niche forums, going to punk gigs and raves, learn music instrument, learn about cybersec, download music and movies, piracy in general, dress alt, make a personal webpage, using less javascript and using alternative's to the GAFAM shit.

Any ideas?


Start by using VPN. Nokia 3310 is not a bad idea.


fighting capitalism by buying different Product, rad


Piracy and FOSS is not buying products


You dont understand. Your information is The product. Why do you think google search is free?


Fedi and cohost can scratch the itch without keeping you hooked so you can gradually quit it rather than relapse on it, or at least develop a healthy relation with it. Then look into web revival, RSS, etc…
And since you wanna make a website, neocities keeps a good list of resources on that:


Lmao, punk truly is only bored middle-class nerds these days, huh? And nerd as in "consumes techy shit", not "knows a lot about a random subject".


Cease your libspeak, OP didn't mention anything fancy or expensive.


Your use of IRC and imageboards is why you can't socialize with anyone in real life. In fact it's objectively worse than doomscrolling tiktok. Normal people use social media. The only people who use IRC are retarded bazingas and aging techbros. Any social event or activist event in your area is going to be advertised on instagram. Use it as a bulletin board. From there you can actually build a social circle of people who aren't insufferable nerds and hang out IRL. Remember the intersection of people who use imageboards and leftists consists entirely of the 100 or so people here on leftypol. You only need to care about tech enough to have good opsec, you don't have to make it your whole personality.


i think saying which is worse is splitting hairs and touching grass is the only cure


Imageboards aren't the issue tho, the strong 4chan adjacency of most imageboards is the issue. Some imageboards are not much different from a guild-based chatroom, just being a chill hangout spot. This site has some debris from being an 8chan splinter, but I'd say we've achieved a chill environment like that. Just supplement it with healthier options like fedi and it's a treat.


There are plenty good protest outhere and aren't white shit, i'm thrid worlder

You are right about the events
>Instagram. Use it as a buletin board
Can you give me an example? I quit Instagram because i was exhausted of the stupid people that i knew, maybe i should just make and alt account idk


nta but Pixelfed is basically Instagram for activitypub, so no need to make a zuckerberg account for that.


Who gives a fuck of pixelfed is none of my city uses that


1) how do you know? it hooks up to other activitypub stuff so given you live in a city, statistically at least a few locals are using activitypub in some form or another.
2) if so, you could change that 0 to a 1 or more.


The idea of using instagram is just for the protest events or punk gig's, none of this things are announce on activitypub stuff


> lifestylism lifestylism lifestylism lifestylism lifestylism-

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