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File: 1719347030991.jpg (12.75 KB, 412x306, rat wearing a dress.jpg)


if you had a house made of cheese and you had to travel somewhere for a day, would you let this rat take care of the house for you




>>547937 what if the rat eats the whole house


Bokoen is crossdressing again i see. For what charity foundation he is doing it for this time?


No one rodent could eat a whole house made of cheese, the same way that a thirsty man cannot drink a whole lake. Whatever the rodent may eat will be for their own nourishment, a small price to pay for a watchful housesitter.


i don't like when people dress up their pets


>>547956 what if it's a tiny miniature house? and let's suppose that u'r already compensating the rat very generously by giving them literally everything ou have except for the tiny cheese house
>>547963 some animals like wearing clothes that make them warm, like chihuahuas
>>547953 what is a bokoen


File: 1719366847791.png (163.85 KB, 554x554, ClipboardImage.png)

>what is a bokoen
The snake of Denmark, also know as ratkoen1


>>547983 is he a streamer lolcow? and why do you know that this person exists


I believe he is righg wing liberal, but at least his fontent is tolerable. I think he keeps his personal beliefs to himself most of the time. He doesnt try to be serious, he just sponsor paradox interactive games for that juicy money. He is a rat, and he doesnt hide it, that is kinda funny.


I'd let him eat a designated part of the house as a treat.


Then I would have a happy well-fed rat friend.


a feed the rat enough food to sate its hunger before leaving it unobserved


imagine the smell of the house in summer


It will be exsquisid.

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