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I hate all fash bastards
Except one, he is my best friend and had bren there for me in my darkest days, at one point I want him to be my bf (homo)
I can't reconcile the disconnect between wanting death for rightoids and, my friend who smiles at me and fills me with light and happiness
heres some porn or something as payment for reading my slop




why are bottoms so fascist adjacent ?


>posts sexually provocative pictures of women


if you like him you like him. communism isnt a lifestyle so you can hang around non-communists, its ok

>no correlation


Lesbians are pretty gay.


can't reconcile someone being a fascist and being a good or wholesome person. what's he like


Yes, but OP specifically stated that they were attracted to a man.


a little bit tubby, brown hair, typicall little englander orange order type, wants to deport all poc. However he is very kind to animals and volunteers at rspca stuff, he is kind to me and has been there for me when depressed and I've known him since we were 9. I havr a massive disconnect in my brain. Because I want to fix him


The subtle bit of bush along the sides of the panties really elevates this artwork.


That's sweet anon. I'm glad you have a friend like that

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