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It can’t seriously be that addicting for most people to eat so much junk food. I’ve been overweight, but never fat. My peak weight (in pounds) was in the 160s and I’m back to the 140s. In contrast, there are people on this planet averaging 200-300+ and that’s just considered normal. How? How does one even shove so much processed junk constantly—especially considering that that shit isn’t even cheap these days anyways? Doesn’t that shit taste like ass anyways? Doesn’t it take years for someone to become obese? If so, how tf do most people on that path reject taking action for that long?


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Shitty food leaves you feeling not full, and they add a ton of hidden calories (usually sugar) to things. A lot of the excess calories are also in what people drink: soda, energy drinks, coffee that's mostly cream and sugar…


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>/siberia/ tier idle thought thread
not fat btw


Not to mention butter and oil on every fucking thing


Butter and oil make you feel full though


The more concerning part is the amount of food mfs are shoving down their mouths to begin with. Seriously the portions I’ve seen Mexicans, Turks, and Americans eat for a snack in some places would be a fucking full-days supply of food for me. Mind boggling when considering that all three of those countries are somehow also suffer from mass food insecurity.


Fats have been out of fashion for years. You have to go out of your way to eat a lot of fats with like a keto diet or something. "Fat free" is still a really common label because most people are nutrition-illiterate and don't know the difference between dietary fat and body fat.


Put salt on your food you dumb fucking chimp you get full faster and lose liquids slower… Meaning you age slower. Also you absolute ape the canada food guide tells you every chemical compound you need to survive but no one knows how to read the nutrient per serving chart. You know you need 2.3g of salt every day lol :O

also sugar isnt evil you need that shit for your cells to reproduce, if there isn't a sufficient amount nutrients present in your food ie protein you will store it all enlarging your fat cells chimp.


Anon, I’m sure that he’s referring to high fructose corn syrup and other synthetic sugars designed to fuck over one’s sense of fullness. Obviously he doesn’t mean just ordinary glucose, because literally all foods have that.


Only poor people eat packaged foods, get a job you hippie.


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4.5 grams of sugar, only 17 calories. If you believe that you're clearly subhuman and dserve diabetes.


I don't think those calories are "hiding" well enough for someone with a basic highschool education to miss.


Butte is fine, we need animal fats to be healthy not just protein. Vegetable oils aren't so great other than olive oil.


Obesity as a topic of discussion, without fail, brings out the inner lib of this site's posters.


>also sugar isnt evil
No but they add a ton of it to everything because it makes people like the food more and more likely to eat it compulsively.


Let these fat fucking animals die. Why not worry about yourselves. Are you finding yourself in brotherhood with these obese unintelligent animals?

If you're fat just read the fucking nutrient facts, dont stop at calories, its your own fault unless you take litteral poison that fucks your metabolism, or if they force you to take it. You'll never understand the struggle you pig.


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why so mad? fat people don't really hurt anyone but themselves, there's 100000 other better groups of people to hate. besides people have mental conditions and stress and whatever, don't assume it's so easy for everyone


The real fatasses Ive seen go to sitdown diners like Dennys. Each dish there is like 1500 calories and the fat amerilards order like 2 plates and a milkshake thats like a 1000 calories to eat.

And thats just breakfast for them or something.


Dude I try to buy a nice bread to eat sandwiches with but then I see it has 6 grams of sugar added per slice. And that's the 100% whole grain stuff, the white bread is worse.


Christ… no wonder I’ve never been genuinely fucking fat. I think I’d throw up if I ever tried eating like that. What keeps people like that from fucking breaking, or from getting bored from how bland the taste of that shit is?


It's an addiction.

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