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WOW Cyberpunk is so freaking COOOL AND AWESOMEEE, man those neon lights, those skyscrapers, those holograms and you get freaking COOOL superpowers from implants? WOOOOOW



Aren't you excited to play this freaking cool game???? Booooo loser



>sarcasm is "shitposting"
Zoom zoom.


One thing I find interesting about the game and the genre as a whole is how it portrays class in its settings. From the lore and gameplay, it can be presumed that there exists a socioeconomic division within night city set about by someone’s place and time of birth that guarantees their status in society. However, because of the lack of—or really explicitly stated—any barriers to opportunities that aren’t tied to one’s wealth whether that’s familial status, religious/ethnic/sexual/gender identity, place of origin, and more all within night city would make most citizens in it easily capable of finding a chance at financial and political success in spite of the power the corporations yield.
In a sense, night city is arbitrarily violent and unequal. There isn’t anything past wealth in the lore that stops anyone from joining the capitalist class, entering politics to improve the state of the world, joining activist groups, or even directly fighting against the corporations themselves like what happens in the game. This contrasts the real world heavily where most of the barriers that exist to prevent people from taking action against the capitalist class are reliant on everything except a person’s economic status.
It’s quite funny really. Marxists and socialists worked to write a future where industrial capitalism has reached a known limit that exacerbates the suffering of millions to a level that could be comprehended by someone today, but in doing so, they indirectly also made a society that has just as many resources and willingness to put an end and prevent the suffering its members face quickly.

Food for thought


even sarcastically making a shitpost is still shitposting you total fucking retard

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