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Do you use a custom font on your web browser / system font?

I saw someone mention Tex Gyre Corvus on fedi, and wow this font is pretty, and makes everything fancier. Needs a browser plugin to enforce it since FireFox's in-built option for that is broken I guess, but I feel like I'm writing and reading letters with this. Sucks that it isn't monospaced tho or I'd use it in the terminal too.


Monospaced every day, monospaced all the way. I'm genuinely baffled that somebody invented non-monospaced fonts.

You might like this:
"Texture healing" keeps the feature word length = characters of the monospaced font while making the letters look more like in a proportional font, if possible. The trick is that when characters that want to be thin (like i) sit next to characters that want to be wide (like m), the font just make them give and take space.

I absolutely hate this, because
1. the same letter appearing several times inside the same word can appear in different styles
2. the letter centers don't align vertically anymore

If both issues were fixed, I would like this a lot, but then the effect would be so small compared to not doing anything that 99% of users would not notice it.


Does anyone know, what the mistral-like font in https://anders.unix.se/images/desktop_rob_malda.png is? I want to use it for my own desktop.
Writing is usually proportional by virtue of the letter shapes and spacing out the smaller letters makes it waste more space without tangible readability benefits. The way i see it, the only things monospaced is good for is ascii art and indenting lisp code.


No I use the defaults but I do love the TeX Gyre fonts.


What's your preferred font demo sentence?
>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
>Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
>Glib jocks quiz nymph to vex dwarf.
>Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
>Sympathizing would fix Quaker objectives.
>Watch "Jeopardy!", Alex Trebek's fun TV quiz game.

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