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It's genuinely over for me, I give up. On everything. Life, living, seeing tomorrow. There's nothing for me other than crippling self awareness at how worthless I am. Every minute I'm a live is a drain on everyone else around me. No, I'm not just "in a bad place". Yes I want to die, I know I do. So if you're coming into this thread to talk me out of it please dont.

But that said I'm afraid of pain. Terrified actually. Even when I dont want to live I still cant bring myself to so much as prick my skin because I know the pain will be ungodly. I have nothing in my house strong enough to hang myself from, nor do I have access to any pills or drugs that can kill me through overdose. With that all said, is it possible to just…will yourself to die? Gradually shut down your body through sheer force of will until your brain shuts off? I've heard it's apparently a real psychological phenomenon primarily observed in POWs, but at this rate I'm ready to experiment on myself. Any tips and tricks on how to accelerate the process? I've got the whole refusing to eat and get out of bed thing down, I can barricade my door in case some fool tries to "rescue" me, but people still might be able to get in through the windows before I can properly cease vital functions. Is there a specific meditation I can do to will myself to die faster?


Just hit the reset button bro. Go to the streets, become a street preacher


datamining thread


You actually want to die?
Right from one suicidal poster to another's, what you want is sodium <<NITRIDE>> it can be sythasized and through recrystallisation purified.
You can also look into Ice Wrist Knife, I havr a trans friend who plans to do this, leave wrist in ice for an hour, then take a knife to it. will be ten minutes before you loose.
There are more lethal instant methods but I am not sure you actually mean what you say.
I was abused as a child and this is how I am going to stop the constant pain of that. Godspeed lefty anon, may we find peace together.


I absolutely mean what I say. Ever since I was a little kid I've hated being alive and knew that there was only a bleak future ahead for me. I was browbeaten, bullied, and medicated into keeping these feelings to myself, told that I was being even more selfish than usual by wanting to end it, when I wasn't just locked up against my will in a hospital anyways. But my fears and predictions from my youth are all coming to fruition and I genuinely have no way forward if I want to stop disappointing people. Ice wrist knife method sounds promising, but from what I've read you have to cut long ways on both hands pretty deep in order to slice open the arteries. I'll have to check first if I have enough ice in the house


I sympathise my child abuse was physical/ sexual and I have an active plan to end the constant sharp pain I wake up to everyday. There are guides to this out there, it should take ten minutes to do this, but its not fast enough for me. I can't go too into depth because a friend of mine browses this hell hole but life is constant pain and torture and stabs from these demons that are called people. Good luck anon, no matter what you choose, may we go together.


if you REALLY want to kill yourself

buy a tank of helium, tie a plastic bag around your head, and dispense the helium into the bag


The problem with that method is that I live with my parents, and if they see a tank of helium and a hose come to the door before I can pick up the package they'll incarcerate me again and force me to keep living. They're stubborn, no amount of arguing is going to convince them that my exit is for the best. It looks like the best thing available other than wasting away is sodium nitrite, it seems a little complicated but I found a site with some guides on proper dosage. Do that, chug some alcohol to numb any pain, and then I close my eyes and embrace hell, honestly it sounds kinda peaceful fading away from this horrible place while I have something comforting or entertaining on in front of me.


Thank you for your sympathy and giving me actual answers rather than the bog standard empty platitudes I usually get about this. Honestly, all that shit about "mid suicide regret" sounds like a load of propaganda. And honestly, if there's such a thing as an afterlife, I'm almost certainly going to burn in hell for eternity. What's weird is that I'm okay with that. I hope you find happiness and peace wherever you're going, even if we dont see each other

I'm sorry if reading this thread upset anybody, I know this is a rather sensitive topic and I apologize for bringing this upon you all.


I'm not suicidal anymore but when I was, my plan was to chug down vodka and throw myself out of a building with 8 or more floors (it's the height where lethality becomes pretty much 100%).
Don't do this though, obviously. Humans are at their most powerful when they have nothing to lose, so consider channeling that into something before taking the final step, just to see if your resolve really is that immutable. Like, go into debt, travel to faraway with no financial security or means to go back, spend some time on the streets and so forth


There's no hell, it's a fairy tale to keep human labor subservient. You won't go anywhere after death, your conscience will just cease to exist, just like before you were born.


this. and if you're sure you're willing to die, also consider doing something illegal against the bourgeoisie that will lead to getting caught, but won't lead to suicide by cop and will give you enough time to kill yourself first


You're mentioning lots of reasons why you don't want to live, yet none of those reasons are the real reason.

>There's nothing for me other than crippling self awareness at how worthless I am.

Who cares if you're worthless? You can still enjoy life if you're worthless. Lots of people are worthless and happy (me, for instance), this is a bad argument.

>Every minute I'm a live is a drain on everyone else around me.

If your parents force you to stay alive, then you're clearly not draining them, otherwise they'd not care. And who cares if you're draining their resources? You don't need to be financially indenpendent to be valuable to the people around you. You're not the money you make, this is capitalist brainwashing you're eating up.

With these bad arguments out of the way, my conclusion is that the SHOCKING reason why you don't want to live anymore is that you have severe depression and anxiety, making you reach irrational conclusions.

>buh this other thing :C

Shut the fuck up. Take your fucking meds and go exercise outside. Change the medication if you feel like they're doing nothing. You're feeling abysmally awful right now, but depression and anxiety CAN be overcome with effort. But do you know what you can't overcome? Being fucking dead, because you can't go come back to life. And no, there's nothing after death, it's boring.

Again: you WILL take your meds, you WILL exercise, and you WILL be happy.


If u got nothing to lose then just do some crazy shit. Reinvent yourself, just pick up chicks, go travel, pretend to be a rich porky, scam some banks out of loans and gamble it away.


Why do you people keep doing this? WORTH is not a concept that applies to (regular) humans. It applies to animals and slaves as they are sold on the market.


we hate ourselves and want others to give us meaning he probably used women i use older men
you aren't going to fix us we are worthless


>want others to give us meaning he probably used women i use older men
Well don't ask what others can do you for. Ask what you can do for others


I know how bad it gets, trust me. I am glad I can treat you like a human and not a problem.

Speaking for myself, I can do nothing, I am mentally ill, a sexual deviant, untrustworth, a child abuse victim, poor and due to my education think of myself as above the average man. I am *worthless* to both the capitalistic class, and as a fellow comrade. I use older men to give me stability in my life to fill the need for a father. I am worthless and nothing you say here today will shake my conviction in the truth, but I do appreciate your kindness.


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Well, slight update. I'm ashamed to admit it but some weed and hanging out with family did for a time give me enough hopeium to keep the grip of depressing reality at bay, but that's all broken. Turns out I do in fact qualify for unemployment benefits…except none of that matters, as my parents are pocketing all of it as their price for not kicking me out onto the streets, complete with my father smugly telling me how he wouldn't know how this system works because obviously he's NEVER been in such a low position as to have to rely on unemployment benefits, he's had a job straight out of law school and kept it since as has my older brother. Any delusion that my family had hope for me or felt love for me is now gone again, I can feel the sheer undercurrent of contempt in their voices, their jobless black sheep child still clinging to life even though I'm basically just a dead man walking, a drain on everyone around me. With no job prospects in nearly a month despite sending in like 50 applications and nobody so much as even getting back to me (despite the fact that we supposedly have a GREAT ECONOMY with MANY JOBS thanks to Biden or something) I dont know what I'm supposed to do. At least they helped remind me of my abject failure. Sorry for the blogpost but I needed to give context to those who think I dont have a good reason to die.

With that all said, is it Sodium Nitrite? Or Nitride? Everyone just abbreviates it as SN so I'm not sure which one they're talking about, and I dont want to accidentally cripple myself for life based on faulty dosage and thus leave myself even more a burden. Or do they work the same?


Can you not move out? Is there some kind of housing benefit in the US?


Lol no, even with my job I didn't make nearly enough to so much as rent my own studio apartment. I'm not sure if it's the case elsewhere, but housing in the US tends to have "minimum income requirements" so if you're not already pulling in a salary you have no chance of getting even that aforementioned studio apartment. Homeless shelters are overcrowded death traps, there's nobody I know that's financially independent that's willing to live with me, and I've applied to jobs over and over and over but it's very rare that I so much as get a notification that they read my application. So outlook aint so good


Sorry anon, just keep trying, hopefully you will get a job soon.


Buy a gun and bullet. Quick and easy. All this overcomplicated starving to death shit will be much more painful than the instant painless death of a bullet directly to the frontal lobe. If you have money leftover afterwards, give it to givedirectly. If you have insufficient money for the gun and bullet, take out a loan. It's not like you'll need to pay it back.

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