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>>Robert C Schwartz and David M Blankenship

When you point your finger at the one of few white schizophrenics lol

>>Slavery was abolished though….


What the schizophrenia diagnosis entails is your misplaced dislike for the government. Next time you're in one of these places and say some anti schizo bullshit remember you're an NPC drone.

Don't forget to call your local black psychiatry professional a house NAgger today.



You're too scared to post in this thread cuz you know this a "ITS over" scenario if this line gets drawn. Come on we know you been killing the black community with botched vaccines for about 100 years now.

And you blamed this shit on "MUH GENETICS"


File: 1719512733350.jpg (149.87 KB, 640x809, KingLuarsab.jpg)

Knowledge should be for everyone… I'm not afraid to tell the truth.

As The martyr king I descended from had once.


Natives are also diagnosed with schizophrenia at higher rates.



Native americans have and always will be pro government…


Canada is such shithole.


Oh really huh… So I'm supposed to just be medicated cuz I couldn't stay calm and law abiding after that principal got away with SA'ing me huh…

so 83% is dissenting minorities that no one will listen to while the other 17% is CSA victims that no one will listen to lol


This is as much truth as I can tell you about schizophrenia you draw the lines :D


No one will listen to your kids after they get sexually abused if they get diagnosed with schizophrenia

>>Not even you


"Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything" - Alexander Hamilton.

I can show you more truth but this is enough to shorten the lifespan of an average unarmed north American. This is the knowledge that the true revolutionaries hold.


First of all, take you meds and go touch grass.

Second, even if it is the case that african americans are disproportionally diagnosed with mental illnesses, this is meaningless information. I know what your policy prescriptions to this are: either forced deportation or genocide. Both of your solutions are not only cruel but would also create way more problems than they're trying to solve. There's not a single ethnostate in the world that isn't a shithole.

Third, I could as easily say that all europeans should be deported and genocided, since angloids are objectively responsible for millions of deaths in countless genocides, therefore making them genetically evil or something. But I won't make this claim, because I don't have the retarded ideology that you have.


That's not what I said you obviously didn't read the articles lol :O

Or you're a schill. I said that Schizophrenia is a cover-up for government dissent and is alternatively used to cover up the truth coming from sexual assault victims of people who hold positions of power lol.



Alternatively this is a bait thread for comments like these, and you will more likely than not get IP traced and angry parents are gonna come to your house and kill you desu…



File: 1719523609935.jpg (32.39 KB, 688x384, 1oihlebdjtyb1.jpg)

As you can see we do not trust the police in matters of CSA anymore we just do our own vigilante justice :D

That video is from 2012 tho it's been that way for a white now…


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