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>this picture exists
>Musk remains uncancelled


trump has pictures with epstein


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Comrade Musk said she photo bombed him, and while you're attacking innocent socialist billionaires people like Chomsky who had Epstein manage his money and probably went to his island are running scot free


I don't think Chomsky is running anywhere these days


Didn't elon musk posted on his twitter that his coup in bolivia failed because of the work mob or something like that a few days ago?



I doubt Chomsky believes in representative oligarchy.


>musk is literally a dengist
Hold the fucking presses.


>Musk said she photo bombed him



uhm muxk is ashcually based n redpilled he owns the looney left!!!!


As Was Written


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I haven't been in conservative circles for a while. How do trumpists rationalize conclusive photographic evidence of trump being a pedophile?


this. Everytime I talk to a MAGApede both online amd IRL and show them the evidence they say "oh well ge wasnt fucking them little girls".

It especially annoys me about MAGAcommunists



He already had the reputation of being the Epstein of big tech before that, but just like Drake and the actual Epstein, they simply owned the means of production.


You son of a bitch. This is on my youtube history now.


this has happened before with people like R. Kelly and Michael Jackson. hell, the R. Kelly piss tape was public knowledge for a long time before he actually got cancelled and suffered any consequences for being a pedo. the herd will turn a blind eye to these things if the alternative of having to acknowledge that people with power are irredeemable on even the most universally objectionable basis like being a pedophile would be too disruptive to their idea of the status quo. most people would rather cope about how everything is actually fine even when it's clearly not and we see this on a relatively small and unimportant scale like famous people openly being abusers and pedophiles.

Musk is even better suited than most people to remain in this position because the only value he has is within the context of finance capital. he's repeatedly shown to be basically an incompetent reddit mod whose success is entirely owed to coming from wealth, but he's good at creating the image of being a Tony Stark super genius billionaire and people want to believe in that image of him because it preserves their idea of the status quo where capitalism selects for competent people who are going to save us with privately funded Mars colonization shit. it's all fake but the alternative would be for people to come to terms with the fact that our system has made someone like this the wealthiest person in the world and that clearly there's something *fundamentally wrong* with everything about how we ended up here and that a lot of shit needs to change yesterday. that'd be too difficult for most people to accept, so they all cope together.


>pic 1
He was just doing the Chappelle meme.

>Come here you little uyghur baby, mwuahh!

<Wow! He didn't hesitate or nothing!


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It's funny that kissing strangers baby's out of the blue is a considered a stereotypical thing for politicians to do since forever.


they've always hidden in plain sight


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>you find out your children have been hanging out all day with some guy named Joe they met at the park
Wat do?


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unlike capitalist politicians, Joe and Lenny aren't touching the children inappropriately


Socialism is civilisation
Capitalism is barbarism


yeah but cancelling someone doesnt matter when theyre the richest faggot on the planet


It's because thats what kings did or some shiet.


Adults being really weird and invasively demanding physical contact with kids is extremely normalized in burger culture. A lot of us grew up with grandparents or other older relatives who would demand you give them a kiss or something and get really indignant if you didn't. Teaching people from an early age that they're not allowed to assert boundaries and that consent doesn't matter.


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Shut up you prude bitch and just let me sniff yuh and kiss yuh. I'm the goddamn president, I'll kiss and sniff whoever I damn well please.


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>And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."
>"nibble on their children. You can do anything."


Even great apes do that. The leading male kiss the babies of the others to signify that they are under his protection.

Reject modernity, go back in the trees.

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