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What do you think of a non-racist non-xenophobic version of Anarcho-fascism?


Is it still essentialist?


I think it's an interesting, if meaningless, cluster of words.


My brand of Anarcho-fascism is essentialist, that is i believe, why?
Why? isn't 1800s farm land communities a decent example of Anarcho-fascism?


It's gonna have the same pitfalls as other essentilist ideologies in practice and just slowly become another flavor of liberalism.


What is liberalism to leftists? I don't know that much about leftism.


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Still anti-working class bullshit


>no state
>no race
>no nation
what's left that makes it fascist?


Fascism but not racist or xenophobic, how would that even work


Fascism is, at the end of the day, about wömen. Nothing else matters so much as the men of wö


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I think you should kill yourself


Fascism is inherently racist/xenophobic or bigoted, it needs a target to hate to keep itself as an ideology


Ultimate lumpen ideology just dropped


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I don't know that much about it, but i gave an example for it, such as 1800s farm land communes without government. It would appear conservative, like "traditional" fascist societies. Like the Amish.


Amish ideology is cancerous and should be eradicated. These people are literally just the Christian version of Saudis. They are only harmless now because they're kept down by the most powerful capitalist goverment in the world that rendered them into tourism and fetish materials for Americans. The moment the US government collapses these people would turn into something very dangerous


I don't think the Amish are fascist. They're just weirdo theocratic anarchists with highly patriarchal characteristics.


>They're just weirdo theocratic anarchists with highly patriarchal characteristics.
Anti-statism, emphasizing the importance of hierarchy, authority, and the need for a strong leader or elite. Cultural homogeneity. Reactionary social agenda. Would you say that they have Economic libertarianism? Anarcho-fascists often support free market principles and individual property rights. I don't know enough about the economics but the rest sounds like Anarcho-Fascism to me.


Nevermind about Economic libertarianism, that is not Anarcho-Fascism.


That sounds like Jack Donovan style masculism?

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