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/leftypol/ btfo by orange man, how can /leftypol/ ever recover??


Bros? Suddenly my knees feel VERY fucking heavy…


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Are you ready for even more money and weapons going straight to israel?


wym he's /our/ pres


I am ready to accelerate, yes, are you?


The two spent 90 minutes having a appearently contagious from what I've seen on tiktok? are strokes supposed to domino like that? stroke while arguing about golf. Genuinely suspect they're gonna get cement shoed by their respective parties for this.


Please tell me how giving money and weapons to israel is going to accellerate us into communism.


Well because it will rob the "civilized democracy" narrative from the US empire. What America is doing in Gaza and to a lesser extent is not Civilized and not democratic either since the government don't even pretend to ask for popular legitimacy before sending guns to Tel Aviv; in fact any democratic show of power like the student protests are crushed brutally by Biden and approved by Trump. This blatant show of hypocrist will certainly lead many people to question how they view the world previously


You want communism? Oh.. I just wanted civilization to end.


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Easy to make this dumb gamble when you're not a palestinian starving to death.



Which president would cause more harm to USA?


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Only Democrats, which y'all wholeheartedly support


Only those*

Including JRB and BHO


Whoever wins, the collapse of the US will progress, the real difference is who will be the main victims of the inevitable lashing out and convulsions of the dying empire. With Biden, I'd argue there would be more imperialists war around the world whereas with Trump they would be fewer, but more intense plus with more unhinged violence turned inward.


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>Democracts rig the primary to have the less likable and most corrupt politician in recent history
>The only neutral thing to say about her is that she is a women
>It become the center of her campaign
>Mr Clown who do politic as a hobby win

>Democrats spend 4 years trying everything in the book to get rid of the clown

>Do everything that is materially possible except one: having a good candidate
>This guy win for reasons that are illegal to investigate

>4 years later, nobody can ignore that this guy is senile and why his son make millions working in Ukraine

>Still, the democrats rig the primary to make him the candidate
The best thing about American politic is that I am not American.


You're under the assumption the function of the democratic party is to win elections. They are not. They are here to prevent the left to get anywhere near to power.


Well I'm not an antisemite so cool I guess?


We need an obease billionaire to defeat him. Fighting fire with fire.

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